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她显然见过不少世面。She's obviously been around a lot.

我见过的世面没有他那么多。I haven't seen so much of the world as he.

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他曾经远游,见过许多世面。He had travelled far, had seen much of the world.

她虽然年轻,却见过很多世面。Young as she is , she has seen much of the world.

别以为你已经见过世面,什么都见过了。Maybe you think you've seen just about everything!

你已经见过世面,知道为什么会让人痛心。You have seen the world and you know why it hurts.

他见过世面,谅必不会拒绝我的条件。He's a businessman. I'll make him an offer he can't refuse.

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生长在小城镇,没见过世面是他的理由。Grew up in small towns, never seen the world was his reason.

一旦踏上红毯,即使是那些见惯世面,无所畏惧的名流们也会感到紧张。Even fearless celebrities get cold feet when they step onto the red carpet.

我的眼睛尚见过你所见过的世面,允许我照我的进度来探索。My eyes have not seen the would as yours have. Allow me to explore at my own pace.

他到过很多地方,见过大世面,来自十二英里以外的一个大城镇。He had traveled, he had seen the world, he came from a large town twelve miles away.

这是第一个孩子,没有见过世面,老是躲躲闪闪的。This is my first child. He has not seen any society, so he is always shy and awkward.

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你那套巧言令色的玩意只能骗骗那些没见过世面的笨蛋,在我面前你还是省省吧!Your tricks and words only can cheat the provincial fool. Don't waste your breathe to me.

获奖者是施世面包组织总裁戴维·贝克曼和海菲国际公司的乔·勒克。The winners are David Beckmann of Bread for the World and Jo Luck of Heifer International.

这时你可以模仿罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森诗句中那头见过世面的母牛。At this point, you may well pattern yourself on the fully exposed cow of Robert Louis Stevenson's rhyme.

她见过了世面,结识了大人物,地位比从前高得多。She had seen the world and lived with great people and raised herself far beyond her original humble station.

有时候,人们见过的世面越多,对关于这个世界的文字似乎就越不感兴趣。It sometimes seems that as more people go out into the world, there is less interest in reading about the world.

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妈妈,我世面见得越多,越觉得我一辈子也见不到一个我会真心爱恋的男人。Mama, the more I know of the world, the more am I convinced that I shall never see a man whom I can really love.

施世面包团体组织宗教和非宗教人们写信、打电话和访问国会成员。Bread for the World organizes people from religious and non-religious groups to write, call and visit members of Congress.

职业足球队被对方快攻搅昏得像未经世面的业余队一样。The professional football team was so confused by their opponents' fast play that they acted like a bunch of sand-lot amateurs.