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离我卸任总统之职还有仅仅六个月了。I had only six months to go as President.

为什么卸任总统要对人民的支持巧言美语?Why the outgoing President's felicitation on the indorsement?

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我是说,看比尔·盖茨卸任后,微软的股票跌成啥样儿了吧。I mean look what happened to Microsoft shares after Bill Gatesleft!

两年后,他卸任,成了国家足球联盟的播音员。Two years later he retired and became a sports announcer for the NFL.

这是德怀特·艾森豪威尔在卸任演说中讲的,他说出了真相。This is Dwight Eisenhower in the farewell address, and he speaks the truth.

现在布什已经返回德州家中,过着卸任后的低调生活。Bush is now back in Texas, living a low-profile post-presidential existence.

塞拉亚先生在卸任前也会免于被起诉。Mr. Zelaya would also be exempt from prosecution until after leaving office.

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我们希望即将卸任的无能的布什政府不要在这过程中起消极的作用。And let’s also hope that the lame-duck Bush administration doesn’t get in the way.

在距卸任只剩112小时的时候,他在白宫的东房发表了讲话。He spoke from the East Room of the White House with just 112 hours left in office.

幸好即将卸任的部长Nali教授帮助我们找到了一些材料。Fortunately Professor Nali, the outgoing Minister, helped us to find some materials.

乔·勒克在担任近20年的首席官后,今年从该位置卸任。Jo Luck stepped down this year after almost twenty years as chief executive officer.

布什才卸任总统10周,他居然有了纪念他的国定假日。Bush has only been out of office 10 weeks and he already has his own national holiday.

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目前的争端确实已经成为两国自小泉卸任以来关系最紧张的事件。Indeed, the current dispute seems to have sent tensions to their highest point since Mr.

然而,马杜罗坚持完成任期直到2019年卸任。Nevertheless, Maduro insists that he will remain in office until his term expires in 2019.

几天前的一项民调显示,即将卸任的普京民众支持率达84.7%。A few days ago a poll showed that the outgoing Putin's public support rate of 84.7 percent.

如果获得通过,这将是66岁的彭定康卸任港督后的又一个新职位。If approved, it will be the outgoing Governor Chris Patten, 66, after another new position.

一名格鲁吉亚官员将巴基耶夫的卸任以及俄罗斯的插手称为“怵目惊心的事态”。One Georgian official termed Bakiyev's removal -- and Russia's hand in it -- an "eye-opener.

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如今已经担任了近10年首席执行官的Palmisano将在今年七月迎来自己的60岁的生日,在他卸任后,他仍将担任董事长一职。Palmisano, who served nearly a decade as CEO, turned 60 in July. He will stay on as chairman.

林肯面临的第一个危险随之而来,这是刚刚卸任总统所遗留下来的问题。Lincoln's first crisis came quickly. It was a problem left unsolved by the out-going president.

艾奇逊在1953年卸任时,还无法了解他参与制定的政策会产生什么结果。When Acheson left office in 1953, he could not know the fate of the policies he helped to create.