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也许是3到5个。Maybe 3 -5.

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也许你应该努力。Maybe Ull try.

也许是我的。Perhaps is my.

也许他爱绫卿。He may love LQ.

也许我该这样。Maybe I should.

也许你会失败。You might fail.

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他也许生病了吧。He might be ill.

也许还没有。Perhaps not yet.

也许他头上有角。Maybe he's horny.

等下一年吧,也许。Next year, maybe.

或者也许只有两枚?Or maybe only two?

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但也许应该有。But there might be.

也许,我真是个灾星。Maybe I was a time.

也许这就是因果报应。Maybe it was karma.

也许是一只老鼠。Maybe it's a mouse.

也许这就是雨。Maybe this is rain.

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或者,也许不左也不右?Or maybe not quite?

也许,我需要你。Perhaps I need you.

这样也许的确蛮好。That might be good.