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强酸侵蚀金属。Strong acids attack metals.

侵蚀目标的蒸汽。Vapor that corrodes target.

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磨损作用也助长了风的侵蚀。Abrasion also abets wind erosion.

戈壁滩沙漠正在向南方侵蚀。The Gobi Desert is inching south.

锈侵蚀了钢轨。Rust has corroded the steel rails.

你能抵挡得住天雨的侵蚀吗。Can you resist erosion of the rain.

社交媒体正在侵蚀电子邮件的使用吗?Is Social Media Eroding E-mail Usage?

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海水侵蚀着陆地。The sea is encroaching upon the land.

侵蚀作用已使大量表土层流失。Erosion has dissolved acres of topsoil.

风、沙和游客正在不断地在侵蚀它们。Wind, sand and tourists are eroding them.

其水溶液对皮肤有一定的侵蚀作用。The solution has some erosion to the skin.

别让腐朽的思想侵蚀你。Don't let decadent ideas eat into yourselves.

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土地侵蚀确实也是水质的一个主要危害Erosion also does major harm to water quality.

溪在硬石中侵蚀成一条水道。The stream eroded a channel in the solid rock.

波浪式的侵蚀将以前的矮圆丘夷成平地。Former low domes were planated by wave erosion.

经过多年的侵蚀,水泥石化了。The cement petrified after many years' erosion.

这种树可以减少水分流失和土壤侵蚀。The trees reduce water runoff and soil erosion.

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痛苦就会侵蚀着你的身体和思想?Body and spirit will be corrade by painfulness ?

但是,沙漠正侵蚀着这个大都市。But the desert is encroaching on this metropolis.

氟化物是防止牙齿受侵蚀的最好防护物!Fluoride is the best defense against tooth decay!