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物是人非啊!People have changed ah!

不过依家都物是人非咯…I will never forget the person.

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睹物思人的后半句,永远是物是人非。Since then the last part, always is the thing.

你现在看到的照片已经物是人非。You look at the photos now and so much has changed.

这片土地,对她而言,已是物是人非了。This piece of land, for her, is people have changed the.

世上最悲凉旳事除了生死离别,还有物是人非。The world's most tragic thing apart from dying, and no more.

世易时移,物是人非,生命不因任何人停留。Things change and friends leave. And life doesnt stop for anybody.

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为什么现在的一切经过一年的时间却物是人非了,为什么?Now why of the whole through a year but thing is a person not, why?

事过境迁,物是人非,不因任何人停留。Things change and friends leave. And life doesn't stop for anybody.

睹物思人的后半句,永远都是物是人非。Since then, the second half of the sentence is always much transformed.

物是人非事事休,欲语而却泪先流。People have changed everything off, but wants the language first tears flow.

只是多了物是人非,只是添了无可赖何。Was only many thing is the human must, only adds has not had may depend what.

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想当初的谁是谁非,如今早已物是人非。Like the original of which is right and which is wrong now already have changed.

但在苏州,2500年曩昔了,物是人非,胥门却一贯耸立着。However, in Suzhou, 2500 years later, people have changed, Xumen has been stands.

这仍然是一个群雄逐鹿的时代,只不过参与者已经物是人非。This is still a time like "warring periods", in which only the leading role changes.

如今,物是人非,你的生日就要到了,可我还有这个资格祝福你吗?Nowadays, different, your birthday is coming, but I have the qualifications blessings to you?

这仍然是一个群雄逐鹿的时代,只不过参与者已经物是人非。This is still a time like "warring periods", in which only the leading role changes nowadays.

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是谁,会用一辈子跳完一支舞,跳到物是人非,泪眼依稀。Who will take a lifetime to jump, the dance, jumped to much transformed, centrifugal my eyes.

那些物是人非,就像是在聆听一曲悠然伤感的曲调,倍感凄凉。Those different, like listening to a song of carefree sentimental tune, feeling sad and lonely.

雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改,虽然早已物是人非,可是前利物浦主帅贝尼特斯依然心系红军。Former Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez has opened the door to a return as manager on Merseyside.