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限制恶习。Limit vices.

速度限制?Speed limit?

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它们是有时间限制的。They are time-bound.

注意限制你的叙旧。Limit your reminiscing.

这项任务使她受到了限制。The task ties her down.

限制你分心。Limit your distractions.

子域名超过限制!Subdomain limit expired!

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在4分钟的时间限制内。in a 4-minute time limit.

我需要限制我的时间吗?Do I need to limit my time?

限制睡前活动量。Limit pre-bedtime activity.

在早上限制糖分。Limit sugar in the morning.

采样限制超出范围。Sample limits out of range.

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限制你在自行车上的时间。Limit your time on the bike.

不要超越行车速度限制。Don't exceed the speed limit.

限制正午暴露于太阳的时间。Limit time in the midday sun.

限制嘴里的瓜籽数量。Limit the seeds in your mouth.

使用VSTO智能标记的一些限制Limitations of VSTO Smart Tags

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这些新的限制是什么呢?What are the new restrictions?

但是还有更多的限制。But then there are constraints.

同意又有何限制?What are the limits of consent?