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在基本语法中它必须转义。It must be escaped in basic syntax.

所有的变量缺省地都是HTML转义的。All variables are HTML escaped by default.

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使用转义序列来管理较长的输入。Use escape sequences to manage long input.

需要在前面加上转义字符“\”。need to be preceded with escape "\" character.

PYX格式中的几个字符是转义字符。A few characters are escaped in the PYX format.

这可以减少处理转义字符的工作。This saves some careful work with escape characters.

字元都会被自动加上一个反斜线进行转义。Characters are escaped with a backslash automatically.

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与标准C一样,一个转义序列最多接受3个八进制数字。As in Standard C, up to three octal digits are accepted.

期待以及回复字串可以包含转义序列。The expect and reply strings may contain escape sequences.

要求使用转义字符才能修改语法的一些符号Symbols that require the escape character to change semantics

肆意特殊字符前边加转义符都般配本身。Any special character preceded by an escape shall match itself.

在转义了操作符后,它将像所有其他文字一样进行匹配。After you escape the operator, it matches like any other literal.

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如果转义已经转义的文本就会出现这种情况。This happens when one escapes text that has already been escaped.

对于不被公认的转义XML的后处理中的缺陷修正。Post-processor bug fix for escaped XML code that it does not recognize.

请注意,脱字符号前面加了一个反斜杠从而成为“转义”字符。Note that the caret becomes "escaped" by placing a backslash in front of it.

单引号插入并将反斜杠看作是转义符。Single quotation marks interpolate and see the backslashes as escape characters.

要求使用转义字符才能实现有效语法查询的一些符号Symbols that require the escape character to achieve a syntactically valid query

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连接器应该用转义的文字值替换所有特殊值。The connector should replace all special values with their escaped literal values.

使用数据库设置的字符转义方案转义用户提供的输入。Escape user-supplied input using the character escaping scheme set up by your database.

前跟转义字符用于表示任意单词字符的字符。The character which when preceded by an escape character represents any word character.