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不,因为电影没有票房。No, because they won't make money.

所以被称为“票房毒药”。So it was called "box office flop".

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这部影片票房收入很少。The movie bombed at the box office.

而中国的票房是这个的三倍。The performance in China is 3x that.

Coco李纹看起来是今年的票房明星了。Coco seems to be this year's hot ticket.

阿凡达使这一年的票房辉煌灿烂。It capped a splendid year at the box office.

接下来一定还会创造更多票房纪录。More box-office records are bound to follow.

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这部电影打破了先前的票房纪录。The movie became a box-office record breaker.

多年来,他一直是票房收入的保证。For years he was a boffo box office certainty.

创造轰动票房记录的方法有两个。THERE are two ways to make a box-office smash.

这部电影上周高踞票房榜首。That movie topped the box office last weekend.

香港和新加坡票房荣登同期港产票房冠军。Was the champion of HK and Singapore box office.

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但是欧洲票房却上涨,俄罗斯票房飙升。But they were up in Europe, and soared in Russia.

光看演员表就有票房保证了。The cast list alone will guarantee big box office.

好莱坞最疯狂的夏天即将创造票房记录。Hollywood's betting sequel summer will set records.

推动票房收入大增是大规模的电影院建设潮。Driving this growth is a massive movie-theater-building spree.

我一直反对靠裸露来吸引票房。I have apposed to absorb the ticket office depending on bareness.

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第二,目前全知贤的新片在日本票房非常的好。Secondly, now in Japan, Cheon JH's new movie is doing quite well.

可以预计的是秋季票房收入比夏季还要惨淡。The autumn crop is far more prone to failure than the summer one.

夸奖一部票房惨淡的好片子你又有什么损失呢?What do you lose when you praise a good movie that does not sell?