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不到一年后,军政府即告倒台。The junta fell less than a year later.

军政府废除了禁令。The military government dissolved the injunction.

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即使全民盟也受到了军政府的严重削弱。Even NLD efforts were severely curtailed by the junta.

如果没有苏姬,没有人会相信军政府。Without Suu Kyi, nobody is going to believe the junta.

军政府镇压了罢工的工人。The military government repressed the striking workers.

克钦独立组织应否开战反击军政府邪恶民主?Is KIO for democratic war against evil democracy of junta?

军政府解散了该国的议会。The military government dissolved the country's parliament.

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军政府将不留余地务必努力赢得选举。The junta will leave no stones unturned to win the elections.

新孟邦党于1995年同军政府签署了一份停火协议。The NMSP signed a cease-fire agreement with the regime in 1995.

2007年缅甸军政府曾邀请南掸邦军举行了一次和平会谈。The Burma Army invited the SSA 'South' for a peace talk in 2007.

相反,它会令军政府更加谨慎地对待援助问题。Instead, it will make it even cagier in handling the offers of aid.

温总理访缅之行预计是在军政府此次例行会议几天后进行。The trip is scheduled for a few days after the junta’s four-monthly meeting.

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但是7旅9旅似乎是接受军政府的改编命令。DKBA Brigades 7 and 9, however, appear to be accepting the junta's BGF order.

缅甸军政府在2009年6月命令新孟邦党整编成边防警卫部队。The Burmese junta ordered the NMSP to form a border guard force in June 2009.

停火协议20年以来,这是军政府第一次封锁道路的行动。This is the first time they block the road in 20 years of ceasefire movement.

叶敏是军政府与停火谈判的首席代表。Ye Myint is the regime's chief negotiator in talks with the ceasefire groups.

但"虎妞"的成功之路也说明了艺术发展在军政府统治下所受的局限。But their success also points to the limitations of art under a military junta.

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她反复要求的民族和解对话被军政府置之不理。The regime has ignored her repeated offers for national reconciliation dialogue.

孙中山当选为中华民国军政府大元帅。Sun Yat-sen wins an election for China republic military government generalissimo.

军政府威胁要使用武力,新孟邦党不再信任将军们。The junta has threatened to use force, and the NMSP no longer trusts the generals.