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它就像部队行军,每个人都步调一致。It's like a military march- every one in step.

然而最近这六国却试图言行统一,步调一致。Yet the six have nonetheless managed to keep in step.

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他的工作与他的天主教信仰步调一致。His work has walked in lockstep with his Catholic faith.

虽然进展缓慢,欧洲、美国、俄罗斯和中国毕竟已经做到了保持步调一致。By moving slowly, the Europeans, Americans, Russians and Chinese have managed to stay in step.

作到广告以软文类出现,让广告内容与前面的软文步调一致!Do the ads appear in the soft, let keep step with advertising content and in front of the soft!

这与服从来自中心的命令,或根据整体环境做出步调一致的反应截然不同。This is opposed to obeying orders from a center, or reacting in lock step to the overall environment.

他们步调一致的来回走动可能导致了前禧桥的振荡,这又使得这些行人的步伐更加的一致。Their synchronized waddle could have caused the bridge to oscillate, leading even more of them to tread in tandem.

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我们只有统一了认识,才能在前进的步伐中步调一致,维护好学校良好的教育教学秩序。Only by understanding that we can in advance in unison, maintaining a good school education and teaching good order.

强求“你唱我和”、“步调一致”,甚至唯唯诺诺、召之即来,其实早已搀杂了别的成分。Force "you to sing me", "unison" and even submissive, called upon to, in fact, already mixed with the other ingredients.

双鱼准备好了依赖天蝎去弥补自己的优柔寡断,而者与天蝎期望主导的性格步调一致。Pisces are ready to rely on Scorpio to compensate their indecision, and will agree with the Scorpio's aspiration to dominate.

国王的在场使得阿普舍龙兵团的官兵感到激动和兴奋,他们步调一致,雄赳赳地、轻快地从两位皇帝及其侍从身边走过去。The Apsheron men, roused by the presence of the Tsar, stepped out gallantly as they marched by the Emperors and their suites.

如果起初未创建包的开放版本,则包的版本无法跟工程版本的步调一致。If an open edition of the package is not created initially, the package version may fall out of step with the project version.

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工具能够自动化的进行最初的转换,也可以在设计模型和实现模型进行演进时帮助他们保持步调一致。Tools can automate the initial transformation and also help to keep the design and implementation models in step as they evolve.

当涉及到换届选举和广泛选民时,从另一方面来说,洪博培与大多数人步调一致。When it comes to the general election and the general electorate, on the other hand, Huntsman is more in tune with the population.

抑或领导力意味着建立共识,在你尝试变革时,你的组织就能步调一致,共同前进?Or does leadership mean building consensus, so that when you attempt to make changes your organisation advances more or less as one?

这一复杂的组织结构使得形成和实施步调一致的战略特别困难。S. and Afghan forces. The complex structure makes the job of developing and implementing a coherent strategy particularly difficult.

所以大家步调一致地突进,但当你越来越接近对方时,各种事物开始影响你的行为So you're marching forward at that pace, but now as you get closer and closer to each other, various items begin to affect your behavior.

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结果表明虽然苏州各市县的经济发展差异有扩大趋势,但总体步调一致,发展协调。Results show that although the development deviation tends to get larger, the six cities' economies are heading forward with the same step.

公司必须拥有灵活适应性和创新的技能,以与中国市场令人兴奋的发展保持步调一致。Companies must have both the flexibility to adapt and the skills to innovate to keep in step with the Chinese market’s exciting development.

那个时代的科技爱好者们惊叹于激光器使数以百万计的光量子步调一致的能力,但却没有看到它在现实生活中的用途。Technophiles were impressed with the achievement of making millions of photons march in lockstep, but unable to see any real-world uses for it.