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他这样呆了许久。He remained a long time thus.

刀锋愣怔许久,轻轻点头。LengZheng long blade, gently nod.

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两个小男孩一起玩了许久。The two little boys played for hours.

许久以来,我都没有过那么棒的感觉了。I hadn t felt that great in a long time.

许久以来,我都没有过那么棒的感觉了。I hadn’t felt that great in a long time.

他在这儿等了许久。He has been waiting here for a long time.

许久之后,他却空着手回来了。Long after, but he came back empty-handed.

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我的屋子里,水仙许久没有开花了。My room, a long time did not blossom Narcissus.

也许那是他心存许久的邪念。That may have been what he had in mind all along.

我与那恨恶和睦的人,许久同住。Too long have I lived among those who hate peace.

吃的是我梦想许久的铁板烧!It was the teppanyaki which I've dreamt of eating!

我与那恨恶和睦的人,许久同住。My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace.

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抚摸心头的荒芜,哼唱内心遗落许久的感伤。Touch my heart lost for a long time desolate, humming.

斯图克雷博士等了许久,感到非常饿。Dr Stukeley waited such a long time he got very hungry.

那事过了许久,有次波尔回到布来克本接受治疗。Years after, Poll came to Blackburn for some treatment.

离开麦卡阿德尔先生的办公室后,我思考了许久。After I left McArdle's office, I thought for a long time.

希望破灭许久之后,这些词句“阴魂不散”。Long after hope has vanished, these phantom-words remain.

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我们在长凳上休息了许久之后便信步向博物馆走去。After a long rest on the bench we moseyed up to the museum.

过了许久,犹大的妻子书亚的女儿死了。After a long time Judah's wife, the daughter of shua, died.

某天,她去寻找许久不见的儿时同伴。One day she sets off to find her long-lost childhood friend.