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邵力子是中国现代史上一位著名的民主人士。Lizi-shao is a famous democrat in Chinese Contemporary History.

中国当局最近对持有异议的民主人士发起了一轮较大规模的镇压。Chinese authorities have launched a major crackdown on dissent recently.

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一切善意地向我们提意见的民主人士,我们都要团结。We unite with all those democratic personages who offer us well-intentioned criticisms.

但是这里没有聚集堕落的人们,没有反对者,没有民主人士,也没有停止任何新闻。But there were no round-ups of degenerates, dissidents or democrats, and no newspaper closures.

马相伯是中国近代著名的爱国民主人士。Ma Xiangbo was one of the wellknown patriots and democratic personages in modern Chinese history.

有关项目的重点对象为有影响的民主人士和劳工、妇女和学生等团体。Projects focus on influential democratic actors and groups, including labor, women, and students.

在上个月,参议院的民主人士决定他们并不会奋力争取气候法案的批准。Democrats in the Senate decided last month that they wouldn’t push for approval of a climate bill.

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民主人士,妇女保护者和反战联合组织都在公园内发表各自主张。The Chartists, the Suffragettes and the Stop The War Coalition have all held protests in the park.

大学教授和胆子较大的一些民主人士,对政府的腐败无能进行激烈抨击。The professors and some of the more daring liberals were raging against corruption and inefficiency.

中央统战部开始召开各民主党派负责人、无党派民主人士座谈会。May 8, 1957, department at the start of all democratic parties principals, independent Democrats forum.

他成立了一个国家联合党,吸收了中间派共和党人和一些民主人士。He formed a new group called the National Union Party. It included moderate Republicans and some Democrats.

批评欧巴马的人指责他疏于支持海外的民主人士,对抗神权执政者有欠努力。Mr Obama’s critics accused him of failing to support democrats and oppose theocrats with sufficient vigour.

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虽然希腊人很关注个人,这在雅典的民主人士中非常明显Now, the Greeks were very much concerned individuals and this is especially true of the democrats in Athens.

人权团体今天呼吁的联合政府释放上星期逮捕民主人士。A coalition of rights groups today urged that government to release pro-democracy activists arrested last week.

对民主人士,我们要让他们唱对台戏,放手让他们批评。We should allow democratic personages to challenge us with opposing views and give them a free hand to criticize us.

从抗日战争时期开始,我们党就实行了同党外民主人士合作的方针。Even since the anti-Japanese war our Party has been pursuing a policy of co-operation with democrats outside the Party.

然而民主党已经是一锅杂烩,其成员包括社会主义人士、社会民主人士和前自民党人士。But the DPJ is already a broad church, encompassing socialists, social democrats and former members of the ruling party.

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如果他继续此路,玩火自焚,那么拉美的民主人士将会思考这个问题——委内瑞拉还站在我们一边么?If he continues on the same path, Latin America's democrats will soon have to consider whether he belongs in their clubs.

多数参议院民主人士,并且一些温和派共和党人,遥控说,未损坏的区域和它的野生生物应该被保护。Most Senate Democrats, and some moderate Republicans, say the remote, unspoiled area and its wildlife should be protected.

如果皮氏的政变的确把智利从执政的,以马克思主义为统治意识的政权中解救出来——那么那些反民主人士——他们的行为是否正当合法?If the coup did indeed rescue Chile from an elected government that was Marxist-dominated—and thus anti-democratic—was it justified?