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二毛却见在人多之时悄然而退。Two hairs but see in February when the back.

“七磅半咸肉,二毛钱一磅的。”。Seven and a half pounds of bacon at 20 cents.

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二毛一愕回头,原来正是铁彪。A look back at your, originally it is iron young tiger.

二毛反成了自己及丁氏兄弟的救星。At the DingShi himself and became the savior of the brothers.

金箔依纯度分为一毛金、二毛金、三毛金等。The gold foil divides into three levels according to the purity.

众正没有主意之际,听到二毛说得头头是道,也言听计从。The idea is not, as heard two hairs pronouncing on, and opinions.

这是普通留学生所能欣赏的二毛子旧诗。That's what an ordinary returned student can appreciate, the poetry of the ehr-mao-tzu.

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小明的爸爸有五个儿子,他们的名字叫一毛,二毛,三毛,四毛。那第五个儿子叫什么名字?John's father has five sons named Alan, Blan, Clan and Dlan. What did he call his fifth son?

吴霸天提出两条件,就是要皇叔阿尔泰用黄金十万两,来交换二毛。Wu the day proposes two conditions, is to use gold 100000 liang royal uncle aertai, to exchange.

二毛心智较成熟,心知若此事传出,肯定有损众人关系,后果严重。At the mind are more mature, knew if it comes out, sure beneath all relations, serious consequences.

却说二毛偷偷逃出破庙,黑暗中专挑偏僻处躲藏而去。Said two hairs secretly escape break temple, dark lonely hiding and pick the technical secondary school.

邵扬得铁彪绣云等所救,回复自由,和二毛芊红等重逢,喜不自胜。ShaoYang have to iron with puma saved by such as cloud, reply to freedom, and Qian red wait for reunion at source.

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但二毛也说出心里隐忧,深恐留在邵府,会连累邵正邵扬父子及的家人。But two hairs also say heart risk, in case ShaoFu, will bring trouble ShaoZheng ShaoYang father and son and family.

幸邵扬出现阻止,二毛没怪铁彪,三人合力终把真正小偷捉住。Luckily ShaoYang appear to stop, two hairs didnt blame iron young tiger, three together the real caught the thief end.

他见众人只推崇二毛的冷静处事,自己的奋不顾身勇气现在却被众人忽略了,他心中更不服气。He saw only praise highly the calm at all things, his desperate courage were now they ignore, his heart more defy spirit.

离开旅馆后,俞显扬匆匆赶到陆军医院,以约见上级为由把吉原带到车夫二毛的家里。After leaving the hotel, Yu Xianyang hurried to the hospital to see the army, as an excuse to take to the Jiyuan 20 Fen home.

杜老大见二毛不计前嫌,舍命也要带自己走,在二毛背上不禁哭了出来。The eldest brother du reach out to see two hairs, also want to take his lay down his life for his walk, weeping at the back out.

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阿尔泰及胤杰父子商量,是否应和吴霸天交易以黄金万两换取二毛?Altai and became a father and son jie discuss, whether should the day of trading with gold wu two thousand exchange for two hairs?

二毛听了他们一番表白,总算明白他们来意,聪明的他心知他们也是来者不善,便虚与周旋不置可否。Listen to them at a vindicate, I finally understand their purpose, clever, he knew them is theyre furious, and virtual and tries to the fence.

二毛及铁彪暗中约见淳于雄,并交出玉瓶,此证据足以证明皇叔罪证。Two hairs and iron in secret ChunYu male puma appointments, and hand over the bottle, sufficient evidence to prove the royal uncle proof of guilt.