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洒上空枝见血痕。Tears on the branch with some blood stains.

独把花锄偷洒泪,洒上空枝见血痕。Falling on the bare twigs with blood stains.

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独把花锄偷洒泪,洒上空枝见血痕。Splashed on your bare branches are my tears like bloodstains.

无数的早晨徘徊出了血痕。In numerous mornings, he wandered about , blood left in the skin.

手术刀在白色皮肤上留下一道鲜红的血痕。The scalpel sketched a bright bloody line on the canvas of white skin.

他被钉鞋刺到或是踢到下巴,后来还留下红色的血痕。He got spiked or kicked in the chin, and still had the red welt afterward.

月经血鉴定是法医血痕检验的内容之一。The identification of menstrual blood belongs to the forensic examination of bloodstains.

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每一寸土地都被烙上深深的血痕,每一张容颜都布满了惊恐的阴霾。Every inch of land has been branded deep blood, each face is covered with a haze of panic.

其实,这样做的结果是出现血痕、红斑,并使皮肤变得干燥而敏感。In fact, this is the result of a Xuehen, erythema , and the skin becomes dry and sensitive.

既然,花无心颈部的血痕是花无痕用唇造就的。Since, the blood scar that spends a not intentional neck is to spend seamless use what lips realize.

这屋子很小很黑,靠墙的板铺上,她的妈妈闭着眼平躺着,大约是睡着了,被头上有斑斑的血痕,她的脸向里侧着,只看见她脸上的乱发,和脑后的一个大髻。The house was all too small and dark. On the bed against the wall was lying her mother with eyes closed, seemingly asleep.

一个死亡的玄色咒语,一件死神的灰色雨衣,一群亡灵的粉色QQ,一抹伤心至死的乌红血痕。A dead black spells, a god of death"s gray raincoat, a group of undead pink QQ, with a sad to death the bloodstain of red."

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穿过人群,走过大街小巷,冷风是无情的,它毫不怜惜地在小女孩的脸颊上划出一道又一道血痕。Through the crowd, walking the streets, the cold wind is ruthless, it without pity in the little girl in a and a blood stain on his cheek.

这只小貂身长不满一尺,眼射红光,四脚爪子甚是锐利,片刻之间,龚光杰赤裸的上身已布满了一条条给貂爪抓出来的细血痕。The sable was less than a foot in length. His eyes were blood red and his paws were sharp. In no time , Gong's naked trunk was covered with red scratches.

一名肘骨开裂、血痕累累且无减痛治疗的病人过去必须等上4个多小时,因为接待员过去不会优先考虑这些病例。One patient with an open fracture of the elbow had to wait for more than four hours, covered in blood and with no pain relief, because the receptionist failed to give the case priority

方法在比较使用联苯胺及其衍生物显现血手印的同时,实验了通过强氧化剂破坏血红素、沉淀珠蛋白,采用激活血痕、蛋白染色的方法,使血手印清晰显出。Blood fingerprint was developed distinctly by using strong oxidation agent to destroy ferroheme, deposit pearl protein, also blood stain activation and protein decoration method were applied.

目的探讨常见载体上的微量血痕DNA的提取方法、PCR循环次数对STR扩增成功率的影响。Objective To study the influence of different DNA extraction methods combined different PCR cycle numbers on STR analysis from trace bloodstain on various carrier often seen in forensic area.