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很了不起。It was amazing.

你真了不起。You're awesome.

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一个很了不起的化学家。A brilliant chemist.

这是一个很非常了不起的短语It's a great phrase.

我们都挺了不起的。We all did terrific.

砚峰山人实在是了不起啊!The style is the man!

是的,我就是了不起!Yep. I just kick ass.

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这没啥了不起。This is nothing to speak of.

了不起的麦丽素!You are out of your element!

细数美国发生的了不起的事!Count all the good in America!

她救起了好多险球,真了不起。She made a lot of great saves.

那就是了不起的空中警察!It was those wonderful aircops!

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这是个了不起的论证Now, it's a very cool argument.

他们是了不起的街头舞者,They're amazing street dancers,

多么了不起的总结性发言啊!Oh, what a great wrap-up speech!

那部新片真了不起。That new movie is a blockbuster.

我认为你已经成为一名了不起的护士。I think you'd make a great nurse.

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是啊。-两个了不起的女人。Yeah. -That's two kick-ass women.

大师兄真了不起。You're really great, big brother.

查韦德是一个了不起的角色。Dravid, is such a great character.