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真蹩脚,我把它记正在家里了。What a pity I left it at home.

都怪他们那蹩脚的动画。It's that crappy Flash of theirs.

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这是一句蹩脚的大废话。This is a giant, lame load of BS.

林肯公园新专辑很蹩脚?Does Linkin Park's new album suck?

评论家们怎么能赞扬这样一个蹩脚的诗人?How could the critics praise such a rhymer?

允许自己写一份蹩脚的初稿。Allow yourself to write a crappy first draft.

他的蹩脚的英语说明他是一个外国人。His broken English showed he was a foreigner.

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失败的乐队,蹩脚的所谓艺术画廊。Washed-up band, crappy so-called art gallery.

好了,这个蹩脚的类比到现在已经足够了。Okay, so enough with the lame analogy for now.

液晶显示屏幕上有一个蹩脚的,薄的塑料盖。The LCD screen has a crappy, thin plastic cover.

这个世界是个舞台,但角色被合配得很蹩脚。The world is a stage, but the play is badly cast.

他的诗句有着蹩脚诗人的单调的节律。His verse has the sing-song rhythm of a poetaster.

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那比看一个蹩脚的电视节目强多了。That is much better than watching a bad TV programme!

这幅画色彩鲜明,但布局蹩脚。This painting has vivid colours but poor composition.

最蹩脚的时辰就是最适当的时辰。看看。The worst-cottom scenario is the most likely scenario.

蹩脚演员吃完一片火腿肉之后变得笨手笨脚。The ham actor was ham-fisted after he took a slice of ham.

每年警方都能查到世界上那些最蹩脚的罪犯。Every year we track down the dumbest criminals in the world.

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你可能会认为这是一张动过手脚的老照片,很蹩脚。You'll probably think it's just a crude hoax from bygone days.

如果你所做的蹩脚的工作让你深恶痛绝的话,那就再找一个你真正喜欢的工作去做。If you have a crappy job you despise, find a job that you love!

这是个蹩脚的回答,不只是我,许多雇主都会是这样认为的。That's a lame answer, not just to me, but to a lot of employers.