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国会已颁布了一项新的税法。Congress has enacted a new tax law.

报纸对新税法进行了抨击。The newspaper attacked the new tax.

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嘿,这些天我正在学习税法。Hi, these days I am learing law of tax.

联邦所得税仍采取累进计税法。The federal income tax remains progressive.

新的税法对那些大富翁不会有丝毫影响。The new taxes will not touch the very rich.

委员会讨论了所提的税法议案。The council discussed the proposed law on taxes.

克林顿还支持不大受欢迎的新税法。Mister Clinton also supported unpopular new taxes.

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新税法被认为是对穷人发起的攻击。The new tax is perceived as an attack on the poor.

广播中充斥着对新税法的尖锐抗议。Shrill protests about the new taxes filled the air.

新的税法似乎有利低收入家庭。The new tax law seems to favor low-income families.

新税法去年已开始实施。The new tax regulations came into effect last year.

新税法实施后将会改变以往的情况。The EIT Law will change the status quo as from 2008.

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这些新税法将成为出品的刺激政策。The new tax laws should act as a stimulus to exports.

这些新税法将会对许多公司造成伤害。A lot of companies will be hurt by these new tax laws.

新税法要到下个月才开始生效。The new tax law will not take effect until next month.

香港有严厉的防止避税法例。We also have stringent anti-tax avoidance legislation.

在下周的增税法案通过前,现在就购买吧!Buy now before the tax increase gets through next week!

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第二部分是我国税法中的税收法定主义评析。The second part is about tax legalism of china tax law.

新税法不会影响我,因为我是个学生。The new tax law doesn't affect me because I am a student.

新税法体系将于下个星期一开始实施。A new system of taxation will come into effect next Monday.