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勒迈里判断该墓志铭的年代为公元63年。Lemaire dates the object to 63 A.

墓志铭载其为“五福是均”之人。Epitaph set it as "Dr. Chen is both" person.

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理智是感性的墓志铭。Wit is the epitaph of an emotion. ----Nietzche.

神圣的心,墓志铭,回转的风的触碰。Sacred hearts, epitaphs , touched by winds of change.

实际上我想和大家一起考察几个墓志铭。I want to actually try out on you a couple of epitaphs.

那么让我们再看一个例子,约翰·杜长眠于此,可能你自己的墓志铭就是这样的。Well, let's try another one Here lies John Doe probably the Ur-epitaph.

一段墓志铭,一段挑逗且下流的墓志铭,大致是足够。An inscription might suffice, an epitaph that titillates like dirty talk.

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安东尼·高迪在1926年逝世,为竟的大教堂是他的墓志铭。Antony Gaudy died in 1926, leaving an unfinished cathedral as his epitaph.

他为自己写的墓志铭非常适合像他所期望成为的那种人。His epitaph for himself would have well suited man as he wanted him to be.

高尚是高尚者的墓志铭,卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证。Nobility is the epitaph for the noble and ignobility , the pass for the ignoble.

第二章为初唐墓志铭发展概况。The second chapter is the epitaph's development at the beginning of Tang Dynasty.

既然语言是话语的墓志铭,那为何我们不说说墓志铭呢?If language is the epitaph of speech why not talk for a little bit about epitaphs?

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目前已有超过600名参赛者寄出参赛作品——将刻在自己墓碑上的墓志铭。More than 600 contestants have already sent in their own epitaph for their headstone.

你是无数冤魂中的一个,愚蠢和笨拙是你的墓志铭。You are a enmity fetch among innumerability . Foolish and clumsiness are your epitaph.

齐铁嘴一见这碑上的墓志铭,立即跪地磕头,嘴里念念有词。JiTie mouth see the epitaph on this tablet, immediately kneel to kowtow, mouth murmured.

同时,曾巩在创作墓志铭的过程中,往往融叙事、说理、言情于一炉,含情于铭,情深意远。At the same tune, he blended depiction, reasoning and expressing emotion in his epitaphs.

可以说所有这些解读这条墓志铭的方法,都和现代阐释学相一致。I would say that all of those ways of reading the epitaph are consistent with hermeneutics.

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第五章为初唐诗人墓志铭的价值及影响。The fifth chapter is the poet epitaph's value and influence at the beginning of Tang Dynasty.

而且,据勒迈里说,在墓志铭中同时提及兄弟和父亲的名字显得“很不寻常”。Moreover, naming the brother as well as the father on an ossuary was "very unusual, " Lemaire says.

唐代亡故宫女的墓志铭文是一种特殊的文化载体,有着特殊的书写方式与格式。The epitaph of Tang Dynastys maid of honor with particular writing format was a special cultural carrier.