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我正在控制天命。I am manipulating destiny.

事业方向上的转变说来也是一种天命。The change in direction was kismet.

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天命不慆久矣。Long has there been no doubt of Heaven's mandate.

祝所有群内的爷们自安天命!Wish all Yes in the flock a day a life from Anne!

不仅如此,如果时间充足,他们还会共同进化,共享天命。Given enough time, they will coevolve toward a shared destiny.

言下大有以人力挽回天命之意。Implying that human endeavor could turn back the tides of fate.

而天命就象上帝地训诫,传奇私副,它无可逃避。But vocation acts like a law of God from which there is no escape.

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他重视人道,主张先讲人事,后言天命。He stressed manpower, advocating destiny was depended on manpower.

有德者胸无牵挂,听凭天命而没有忧患。A virtuous person chest without care, let destiny without hardship.

然而,她的民族却是个天命不可知、命不可违的民族。Yet her race was a race with the vagaries and implacability of fate.

天命虽难违,奈何总有人要违。Although difficult to breach destiny, but since someone always illegal.

他心地善良、安于天命,他的本领更比悟空,八戒是弱一些。He is kind-hearted, destiny, his skill is more than Wukong, pig is weak.

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姜子牙转世重修之后也不再是天命之人。Bloomer rebuilt after the reincarnation of the person is no longer destiny.

孔子平日甚少谈论利这回事,只与天命、仁德为伍。Confucius seldom spoke of benefits. He ascribed to destiny and benevolence.

历法是“君权神授”的“天命”的象征。The astronomical calendar symbolized the "mandate of Heaven" for the ruler.

天命有归,皇上是真龙天子,任何人反对不了。Destiny at play, Your Majesty is the true son of Heaven. Nobody can oppose him.

形而上学作为人之本质和天命,是不能也不可能被拒斥的。Metaphysics is the essence and kismet of human, and it is impossible to be refused.

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凡能从石台上拔出此剑者,即为英格兰的天命之王。Who pull out this sword from this stone and anvil is duly born King of all England.

指出星占学是天命论思想在汉代的具体体现。That astrology is the fate of the concrete embodiment of thought in the Han Dynasty.

而美国是依靠“天命昭彰“的理论通过对北美大陆的殖民才成长起来的。The US had manifest destiny and the growth through the colonisation of north America.