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他好像在畏缩。He seemed to wilt.

我好像感冒了。I feil I got cold.

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看来好像要下雪了。It looks like snow.

他好像喜欢上我了。He seems to like me.

就好像我是上帝。As though I were God.

简好像喜欢上我了。Jane seems to like me.

你看起来好像很累。You look pretty tired.

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就好像我们是没脑子覃辉。Like we h. e no brains.

就好像我们是没脑子的。Like we have no brains.

他们的微笑看起来好像是沾沾自喜。Their smiles seem smug.

我觉得好像曾看到过野熊。We saw a bear, I think.

但是有些事看起来好像不太对劲。But something seems off.

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他们好像痛恨接缝。They seem to hate seams.

他好像是一位著名演员。He seemed a famous actor.

我感到好像就是昨天。That is asit seems to me.

但是他好像并没有听到。But he seemed not to hear.

他正在饮马。像好像在下雪。He is watering the horses.

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他看上去精神不振,好像生病了。He looks as if he was ill.

回车。,GCC,,hi2。c,,enter。,好像工作了。GCC hi2 c It seems to work.

这好像在进行足球赛。It's like a football-match!