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晚宴将筵开50席,其中45席供会员认购。The dinner will cater for 50 tables.

他们同意买下该煤矿的未认购的股票。They underwrote the coal mine's bonds.

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演讲会的门票已被认购一空。Tickets for the talk had been sold out.

债券拍卖继续得到充分认购。Bond auctions continue to be well covered.

通常我们把这个看作是股权认购Typically, we think of it as a stock option.

到现在已经有多少股被认购了?How many shares have been subscribed for now?

两项计划的单位,超额认购七倍。The schemes were over-subscribed by seven times.

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我国目前对认购书尚无立法。Presently, there is no legislation of offers in China.

敏感的认购者找处处方原稿。the subtle subscriber found the prescription manuscript.

第七部分集中讨论认购书定金的适用问题。Part seven focuses on discussing the application of deposit.

香港上市规则规定,每宗IPO必须有散户认购的部分。Hong Kong listing rules stipulate that every IPO has a retail tranche.

此批提供认购的现楼单位总數为30个。The total number of completed units put up for sale in this batch is 30.

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公债认购者获得高于储蓄的利息。The subscriber to a government loan has got higher interest than savings.

开发商可提供一成的按揭给认购者。Also, the developer will offer another ten percent mortgage to purchasers.

现在已经不对新会员开放,因为担心被超额认购的风险。It is now no longer open to new members because it risks being oversubscribed.

认股人按照所认购股数缴纳股款。The subscriber shall pay money for the number of the shares he subscribes for.

在创办时,它要求成员国认购股份,提供资本金。When it was founded, members were required to subscribe to its capitalization.

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但是这些情况是否就能全盘否定所有买卖双方签订的认购书中定金条款的效力呢?But whether these can be negated all parties signed the book down for the effect?

毫无疑问,股票认购权在制造亿万富翁方面确实创造了奇迹。There is no doubt that the share option does do wonders in producing billionaires.

据知情人士透露,野村的新股发行获得了明显超额认购。The offer was heavily oversubscribed, according to people familiar with the matter.