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我觉得这个是主观专断。I think that it is arbitrary.

那是一种道德看法的专断。But that's arbitrary from a moral point of view.

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最烦人的趋势也许是不断升级的公众对政府专断权力的担心。The most disturbing trend may be an increased taste for arbitrary expropriation.

如果我们专断的利用我们的职位否定了这种可能,我们不会是好的管理人。We would not be good stewards of our projects if we took that position dogmatically.

他们说他们希望奥运会将会导引出一个开放的中国,然而她却变得更加专断。They say they had hoped that the Olympics would lead to an opening, but there has been more repression.

他口气冷酷,尖锐而且专断,嘴唇像机器上的铸模一样一个字一个字地敲。His voice was cold, sharp, and final, his lips stamping the enunciation of each word like the die of a machine.

我们赞同他在唤起大众的法律意识方面所用的巧妙方法,他的傲慢和任意专断就源自于我们对他的这种赞同。His arrogance and arbitrariness arose from our approval of his apt approach to arousing the public legal awareness.

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也没有iTunes里面的那些冗长、专断、反竞争的审批流程。There's no lengthy, arbitrary and anti-competitive approval process like there is in iTunes. That's really important.

防止个人专断和各自为政,反对有令不行,有禁不止。To prevent the tendency to make decision arbitrarily and go their own way and oppose the defiance of orders and prohibitions.

在实质性正当程序概念的运用过程中,我们经常说,政府不能专断和反复无常。In applying the concept of substantive due process, we usually say that the government cannot act arbitrarily and capriciously.

在许多西方分析师看来,对沙伊克的处决显示,中国正对外国政府日益表现出专断姿态。The execution was seen by many Western analysts as a sign of China's increasingly assertive posture toward foreign governments.

正义战胜了专断行为,理智战胜了堕落和盲目,民主战胜了帝国主义,善战胜了恶。The victory of justice over arbitrary acts, of reason over decadence and blindness, of democracy over imperialism, of good over evil.

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他说,如果一个发展中国家处于“早熟的民主状态”,那么经济上的灾难和政治上的专断就会随之而来。He says that if developing countries are "prematurely democratized, " then economic catastrophe and political despotism will soon follow.

有些读者可能会认为,一个典型的“大男人”是一个傲慢的、专断的、自大的家伙,但是就我的经验而言,事实并非如此。Some might imagine that a typical "alpha male" is going to be brash, assertive, overbearing. But in my experience, that's rarely the case.

去年,中国随着迅速繁荣而欧洲步履蹒跚,已经在对待日本、韩国甚至美国上更加专断。Over the past year, China —booming while the West has been reeling — has been assertive with regardto Japan and South Korea and even the U.S.

在他将王权拱手让人后,他主观世界与现实的冲突使他一次次陷入迷惘和狂暴专断。He is repeatedly plunged into confusion and outrage as the result of the conflicts between reality and his fallacy following the abdication of his kingdom.

答应了这些限制高层员工工资的专断条款,你在最需要人才的时候可能无法吸引优秀人才。Arbitrary limits on how much you can pay your top employees means you'll be limiting your ability to attract the best people at the time you need them most.

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建立在绝对理性基础上的传统计划经济具有浓厚的专断主义气质和非宽容意识。Build the traditional planned economy on absolutely and rational basis to have grumous star-chamber creed temperament and blame good-tempered consciousness.

从中国古代“罪刑法定”的发展历程可以看出,皇权专断是“罪刑法定”存在的前提和基础,而类推比附是其补充和辅助。In this process the Autocratic imperial power and Comparison and analogy are coexistence with the ancient legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime.

密疏政治的非常制参与,更加有利于皇帝对决策权的专断,从而强化了明代的专制皇权。The abnormal participation of MISHU in decision-making was to the advantage of emperors' dictatorship, therefore, it enhanced the autocratic monarchy in Ming Dynasty.