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我与你同姓。I'm your namesake.

上人人网,结识同名同姓人。Everyone on the network, the same name to get to know people.

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因此,不能同时杀害同名同姓的人。Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.

因此,同名同姓者将不会受影响。Therefore, pepole sharing the same name will not be affected.

“同名同姓”是从人的角度来看移民问题的,很感人。“The Namesake” is a moving study of the human side of immigration.

老师常常把我和另外一个同姓的男孩搞混了。The teacher often mixed me up with another boy of the same family name.

当地有一个与曾参同名同姓的人杀了一个人。A man of Mi who had the same first and last names as Zeng Shen killed a man.

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一些新出来的流行歌手竟然和我以前认识的人同名同姓。Some new pop song singer just shares the exactly same name with my old buddy.

在这本书里,我发现了几位有趣的历史人物,他们与我同姓,都叫席埃拉。In it, I discovered several interesting historical figures who shared my surname, Sierra.

原来,军中恰好有两个海军陆战队队员同名同姓,并且编号相近。It turned out there had been two Marines with the same name and similar numbers in the camp.

于是,我把这事告诉了那位与我同姓的年轻人,并对他说,要是他能游过去,我就给他一个差使。Well, I told my young namesake about it and I said to him that if he'd do it I'd give him a job.

二人同乡,同年,又同姓,十分相得。The 2 men rejoiced in the discovery that they shared the same hometown, year of birth, and surname.

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你也许没有意识到我跟你同姓?我施洗礼时被命名为圣·约翰·爱·里弗斯?You are not, perhaps, aware that I am your namesake? -- that I was christened St. John Eyre Rivers?

大概就是因为这个,当他落得一文不名的时候,就来找我了,再说他和我同姓。I suppose that is why he came to me when he went broke, that and the fact that he was a namesake of mine.

就像日常生活中的同名同姓,这种混沌是无序的、乌有的、不能完全想象的无形状态。Like its namesake in daily life, this Chaos was an un-ordered, un-anything, not quite imaginable, shapeless state.

5月9日,该公司在网站上声明称其法人代表是另一个和肇事司机母亲同名同姓的陆红英。On May 9, the company website declared that their legal representative is a different person also named Lu Hongying.

家庙或宗祠是同姓宗亲的精神象徵,冬至祭祖也在此举行。The ancestral halls or family temples are the symbol of clansmen's spirit and the Winter Solstice celebrations are held here.

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依第一项第三款规定申请者,为同姓名者之户籍誊本。The transcript of domiciliary register carrying the same name in case the application is made pursuant to sub-paragraph 3, paragraph 1.

因为我家的姓氏比较少见,所以就和一个同姓的家族联宗了。Because the clan name of my family is rare, we recognized another family with the same surname to be combined branches of the same clan.

汉代贵族诗歌特指汉代帝王、同姓诸侯王以及帝王、诸侯王之后妃、公主等人的诗作。The Han Dynasty aristocrat poetry refers to the works of kings, the feudal lord kings, the imperial concubines and princesses of Liu clan.