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他们都穿着褴褛的衣衫。They all wore tattered clothes.

感谢上帝,你没有衣衫褴褛。Thank Heavens you’re not in rags.

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唉,扯下她褴褛的舰旗吧!Ay, tear her tattered ensign down!

我不能忍受我的褴褛英语!I can't stas well as my poor English!

弹着竖琴的女子坐在那儿,衣衫褴褛。The harpist is sitting there in rags.

一个衣衫褴褛的男人从树后面走出来。A ragged man emerged from behind the tree.

你会变得衣衫褴褛、疲惫不堪、皮肤黝黑You‘ll grow ragged and weary and swarthy.

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澳新军团日袋鼠特兹饮料,褴褛及两个向上!Wallaby Teds ANZAC Day drinks, footy & TWO UP!

那个衣衫褴褛的人拉着一货车破布碎片.The ragged man drags a wangon of rag fragments.

一群蓬头垢面、衣衫褴褛的人围在他周围。A crowd of dirty-faced ragamuffins surrounded him.

只是一群衣衫褴褛的人,他们都被烧伤了!Just people dressed up in rags and they’re all burnt!

一个衣衫褴褛的小男孩沿街乞讨。A ragged little boy begged his bread along the street.

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衣衬褴褛的无赖围着高低不平的岩石不停地跑。Round and round the ruffed rock the ragged rascal ran.

与其衣锦而入地狱宁可褴褛而入天堂。Better go to heaven in rags than to hell in embroidery.

褴褛的黑色西装皱皱巴巴的,还有星星点点的油渍。His worn black suit was wrinkled and spotted with grease.

因为他是老年,他蜷缩在一些衣衫褴褛的布片。Senile as he is, he crouches in some ragged pieces of cloth.

是的我爱穿磨损牛仔靴破洞褴褛牛仔裤。Yeah I love scuffed up cowboy boots and broken tore up jeans.

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衣衫褴褛、耳朵后面夹了个烟蒂的人。A seedy character with a cigarette butt jammed behind his ear.

他衣衫褴褛,他被送到医院四天后去逝,年仅40岁。He died four days later in a hospital. He was forty years old.

是男人,衣衫褴褛。他们都用空洞的眼神看着她。Men. Shabbily dressed, they all looked at her with vacant eyes.