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我要中等熟就好了。I want medium well.

中等硬度铸铁。Smithing cast iron.

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棕色中等尺寸的拉杆箱。It's a brown middle size.

杜丽中等高度。Du Li is of medium height.

是生一点,中等还是熟一点呢?Rare, medium or well-done?

棕色中等尺寸的拉杆箱。Medium-sized brown box rod.

王林个头高,中等身材。Wang Lin is tall and build.

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适合中等负荷。Suitable for medium-duty use.

深到中等黄色。Deep medium with a yellow hue.

我们的衣服是中等品牌,So my brand is like mid-range,

中等大,果实圆形。Medium to large, roundish fruit.

这个小伙子中等个头儿。The fella has a moderate stature.

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他们拥有一个中等规模的公司。They are an average-size company.

然后我卖了他一个中等鱼钩。Then I sold him a medium fishhook.

而且,它们有着中等的原子序数。And, they have intermediate values.

中等大小,红的,皮的。It's a medium-size one, red leather.

这小伙子中等个头儿。This young chap is of medium height.

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此外,磷霉素也具有中等释放率。Fosfomycin also belong to middle type.

高等初等中等学校时她常常欺负我。IT employ to bully me in high educate.

中等大小的旅行箱,深蓝色的。Medium-sized suitcase, it's dark blue.