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你和所有宗派主义者同样狭隘。You are as bad as the other sectarians.

现在我来进二进宗派主义的间题。Let me now speak about the question of sectarianism.

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他们企图把他们宗派主义的宣传强加给马克思主义者。They tried to force their factional preachings on the Marxists.

正如伊拉克的苦难已经揭示出的,宗派主义是一个危险的精灵。As Iraq's agony has made clear, sectarianism is a dangerous genie.

伊拉克政府称这些频道传播暴力和宗派主义。The Iraqi government says the channels promoted violence and sectarianism.

结束一切形式的宗派主义和所有教派的恐吓,袭击和杀害。An end to all forms of sectarianism and all sectarian intimidation, attacks and killings.

不过汤米-麦克姆一直尽力想把他对故土的爱从宗派主义中独立开来。But Tommy Makem tried always to separate his love of country from the horrors of sectarianism.

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人们还需要通过特别关注尊重少数民族的权利来克服宗派主义,Hague表示。There was special concern about the need to respect the rights of minorities to overcome sectarianism, Hague said.

同时也显示出在整合一家知名纽约证券公司时,刘易斯不一定会表现出宗派主义。The cuts also show how Mr.Lewis won't necessarily act provincially as he absorbs a prominent New York securities firm.

黎巴嫩破裂的政治体系和突如其来的宗派主义流血的历史使其名正言顺的排在了43名,在阿拉伯国家中排第15。Lebanon's fractured politics and history of sudden sectarian bloodshed placed it reasonably at 43, fifth among Arab states.

踢宗派主义和种族主义的运动,每个人都必须有权参加体育活动,而不必担心恐吓。Kick sectarianism and racism out of sport -everyone must have the right to participate in sports without fear of intimidation.

只有那些因自己挨了揍而抱屈便把背对着历史进程的宗派主义者才看不到所有这一切。This can be ignored only by sectarians who, offended by the bruises they have received, turn their backs on the process of history.

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一项调查后来发现,这位63岁的副总理是一名“反党的反动分子”,犯有“现代宗派主义”罪。An investigation later found that the 63-year-old deputy premier was an "anti-party reactionary" guilty of "modern-day factionalism.

值得关注的是这个国家如果进入宗派主义战争,谁都不能忽视再度出现的阿拉维民族主义统一者的推动力。Significantly, one should not discount the reemergence of an Alawi irredentist impulse if the country descends into sectarian strife.

而伊朗则指责美国在2003年推翻萨达姆政权后,造成的宗派主义暴力导致上万名伊拉人丧生。Tehran blames the sectarian violence, which has killed tens of thousands of Iraqis, on the U.S.-led invasion to topple Saddam Hussein in 2003.

在更广泛的意义上说,但是,“宗派主义”是指历史过程,所有的世界主要宗教部门来约。In a broader sense, however, "sectarianism" denotes the historical process by which all the divisions in major world religions have come about.

这些宗派主义作风与苏联、日本无产阶级文学运动的消极影响密不可分。These factionalist styles are closely related to the negative impact of the proletarian literature movements in the former Soviet Union and Japan.

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这实际上是一种狭隘的宗派主义倾向,也是一种最脱离群众的危险倾向。This, in fact, represents a tendency towards narrow sectarianism, an extremely dangerous tendency which could lead to absolute isolation from the masses.

我也不想硬说,只要最无限制地使用发表一切意见的自由就能制止宗教上或哲学上宗派主义的祸害。I do not pretend that the most unlimited use of the freedom of enunciating all possible opinions would put an end to the evils of religious or philosophical sectarianism.

但是,也有说恐怖的宗派主义。虽然政治家上方走到了一起,在地面上的宗派主义已经扩大,特别是年轻人。But there is also the added horror of sectarianism. While the politicians at the top have come together, on the ground sectarianism has widened, especially amongst young people.