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我有一本写生本。I've got a sketch-book.

让咱们高枕而卧的写生!Let's sit and lying the sketch!

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这张肖像是写生的。The portrait is drawn from the life.

你这幅画是写生的吗?Did you paint the picture from nature?

美术老师带我们班去郊外写生。Our art teacher takes us out for a painting class.

使图表的每一个西洋镜与标记写生。Make diagrams of each diorama with labeled sketches.

莎拉握住她的写生簿和一支铅笔,开始写和画。The first element that we'll create is a sketchbook.

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她拿起了了她的写生本和画笔。She picks up her sketchbook and retrieves the charcoal.

用钢笔或铅笔勾勒出的图画、图案或写生图。A picture, design, or sketch done with lines in pen or pencil.

用钢笔或者石墨笔勾画出的丹青、图案或者写生画。B picture, design, or sketch done with lines in pen or pencil.

卡拉特拉瓦曾在一次签名活动中当场写生。Calatrava has made sketching in public another signature move.

用钢笔或自动笔勾勒出的图画、图案或写生画。A image, design, or sketch finiITd dawn lines in pen or pencil.

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添加阴影的写生使用简单的图层样式。Add a Drop Shadow to the sketchbook using a simple layer style.

卢沉的水墨写生一直沿一种朴素地方式探索、推进着。Mr. Lu's sketches have been along a naive to discover, promote.

李可染水墨写生画展在北京举办。An exhibition of the ink sketches of Li Keran is held in Beijing.

莎拉握住她的写生簿和一支铅笔,开始写和画。Sarah took her sketchbook and a pencil and started to draw and write.

学生们去巴比松或这类地方的野外写生。The students go to Barbizon or such places and paint in the open air.

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我们会去不同的地方,组织诸如郊游写生的活动,为了放松,也为了画得更好。We go to different places and have art outings to loosen up and draw.

画这玩的一张,写生加幻想就完成了这幅画。This is a draw play, painting illusions add the painting on the finish.

欢迎您加入艺术人余工边走边画的世界建筑写生行列。Welcome to join artist Yugong in sketching while walking through world.