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分割车刀架。Parting tool holder.

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大图自动分割功能。Auto divide large pictures.

将PVC管分割成你所需要的长度。PVC pipe will into what you need.

他们会犯些分割句子的问题They get problems of segmentation.

视频图像的实时分割处理。Real-time video image segmentation.

车牌图像定位与分割。VLP image location and segmentation.

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他们想分割这家公司。They wanted to dismember the company.

自动分割功能补充。Auto-segmentation functionality added.

将不定式分割永远是错误的。It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.

可以跨越UV接缝分割切线么。Should tangents be split across UV seams.

那块田被分割成小块田地。The land was separated into small pieces.

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快速垒墙系统,以分割大块空间。rapid wall systems to divide large spaces

那家联合大企业分割了这个商行。The conglomerate dismembered the business.

本协议之条款可以分割。The terms of this agreement are severable.

战利品有必要被如此不均地分割吗?Do the spoils need to be so unevenly split?

若灵魂无法分割,他们中必有一人错。If souls can't split,one of them is mistaken.

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这允许把用户内存分割为更多的段。This allows more segmentation of user memory.

我们把它分割为垂直简单的部分。Well, we cut it into vertically simple pieces.

那片土地已过分割成较小的几块地。The land had been separated into smaller plots.