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这是一条交通要道。This is an important line of communication.

直布罗陀海峡是地中海的咽喉要道。Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean Sea.

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一群暴徒在要道聚众闹事。Rowdy mobs gathered in the leading thoroughfares.

长江是中国的交通要道之一。River is one of the main arteries of traffic in China.

车道宽晚到一步,葛存金炸毁了交通要道上的凌波桥。Lane width late one step, GeCunJin meant bridge destroyed roads.

长江是中国的交通要道之一。The Yangtse River is one of the main arteries of traffic in China.

M5是连接莫斯科和乌拉尔的交通要道。The road is one of the main arteries between Moscow and the Urals.

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库尔勒市历史悠久,是古丝绸之路的咽喉要道。Korla City has a long history of the ancient Silk Road routes throat.

这座新大桥是进入该城市的交通要道。The new bridge reopens a major artery leading in and out of the city.

徽饶古道,是古徽州通往饶州的主要交通要道。Hui Rao Road, is the ancient Huizhou to Rao Zhou's main traffic thoroughfare.

她说她决定不买这座房子了,因为它在交通要道上。She said that she had decided not to buy the house because it was on amain road.

一场恶劣的暴风雪袭击了全国,冰雪覆盖着交通要道并压倒了树枝。A nasty winter storm has socked much of the country with icy roads and down trees.

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历史名城哈密成为今天由东进入新疆所必经的咽喉要道。The historical famous city, Hami has become the only artery to Xinjiang from east.

哈密市地处丝绸之路黄金要道,有着丰富的民俗旅游资源。Hami lies in the major section of the Silk Road and the tourist resources are rich in Hami.

在这个低地的南亚国家的中心地域,有许许多多的水上交通要道纵横交错着。Hundreds of watery highways interlace the heartland of this low- lying South Asian country.

这座现代化的大楼就坐落在一条交通要道前最显眼的地方。This modern building is situated on a high visibility site fronting on a heavily trave LED road.

长安路由东到西贯穿北京市中心,是北京市的主要交通要道。Running through central Beijing from east to west is Chang'an Avenue, one of Beijing's main thoroughfares.

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从我国城市发展史来看,大部分城市都是沿江河湖海等交通要道发展起来的。According to history of the city's development in our country, the most of cities were developed along rivers.

贝吕贝说这条船运通道被称为I.R.T.C,即公认的国际运输要道。Berube says the shipping traffic pattern is called the I. R. T. C, the International Recognized Transit Corridor.

江阴长江公路大桥是中国东部的南北交通要道。The Jiangyin Yangtze River Highway Bridge is a traffic main North-South artery running through the Eastern China.