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你们报的是到岸价照旧离岸价?。do you quote cig or fob?

敬辞您要喝茶照旧咖啡?。Would you like tea or coffee?

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山公是笨的,照旧智慧的?The monkey is stupid, or smart?

这就像是倒底是先有鸡照旧先有蛋的的原理。This is like chickens and eggs.

你照旧把事实告诉我为好。You mys well tell me the truth.

照旧在为你那再也见不着面的木工抽泣?Whose face youll never see no more?

时机未到,一切照旧"Nothing will change before its time."

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不过,我照旧会永远地爱着她秦时明月幻音宝盒。I know, but I think I'll always love her.

一切生活照旧,直到爆发下一场争吵。Life continues until the next row erupts.

您喜欢什么颜色,玄色照旧银色?What color would you like, black or silver?

有着钱和声誉,他照旧烦懑乐。With all his money and fame, he is not happy.

但是最好照旧让谁人大哭大呼的孩子住声。It may be as well to stop that young screamer.

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不外,您是要快洗效力照旧当日取?But would you like express service or same-day?

你感觉丹照旧有可挽回的价值啦?。You actually think Dan has a redeeming quality?

她是在洗手间扮装,照旧在表面吸烟?。Is she in the bathroom, is she smoking up outside?

迪乌夫博士表示“一切照旧是不行的”。“Business as usual will not do,” Dr Diouf declared.

你读的是全书照旧节减本?。Did you read the whole book or the abridged version?

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敬辞您打算怎样付帐?用现金照旧信用卡?。How would you like to pay, by cash or by credit card?

明天前晌九点钟你来照旧我去呢?Will you come or shall I go at nine tomorrow morning?

你是指白话照旧全般的英语进修?You mean spoken English or their whole English study?