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当有男人在四周时她喜欢装腔作势,故作姿态。She loves to pose when men are around.

他关心穷人只是故作姿态罢了。His concern for the poor is a mere pose.

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她的拒绝只是故作姿态。Her refusal was merely a deliberate gesture.

福特先生对竞争对手的漠不关心并非故作姿态。Mr. Ford's indifference to his competitors is no pose.

政府在故作姿态,为什么就不对中国人采取措施?Posturing by the govt. . Why are steps not taken with the Chinese?

汤姆没有手绢,他鄙视那些有手绢的孩子们,把他们看作是故作姿态的势利小人。Tom had no handkerchief, and he looked upon boys who had as snobs.

他指出,故作姿态的反抗方式是不够的。He suggested that mere gestures toward the opposition were not enough.

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对于大多数人来说,它困难的原因是因为我们在故作姿态!The reason its difficult for many people is because you are faking it!

她的父亲是一位有名望的教授,但我从没有她父亲身上看到故作姿态的学者派头。Her father is a famous professor, but I can’t find any scholarly pretence in him.

很多人认为这是在故作姿态,但阿森那还在固执着。Many believe that is posturing on Buck's part but Arsenal are digging their heels in.

“再怎么故作姿态也无法让他按他的意愿行事,”布雷格曼说。"No amount of posturing was going to get him to do what he wanted to do, " Bregman says.

她的父亲是一位有名望的教授,但我从没有她父亲身上看到故作姿态的学者派头。Her father is well-know prof, but i have never seen any affectations of scholar on his father.

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她的父亲是一位有名望的教授,但我从没有她父亲身上看到故作姿态的学者派头。Her father is a renowned professor.However, I never find that he puts on airs as an intellectual.

为了推介自我,公蜘蛛会故作姿态,跳舞,扯动母蜘蛛的网,或献上一个包装好的猎物作为爱的信物。To introduce himself, a male may posture, dance, pluck a female's web or present gift-wrapped prey.

如果说Barth只是,向那个时代的,政治世界,故作姿态的话,那么Pynchon是让我们认识了它。If Barth only gestures towards that world, the politics of that decade, Pynchon actually lets us see it.

我希望他的勇敢行为能让这种故作姿态的局面成为过去,让我们投入到平衡预算的实质性工作中。I hoped that his bravery would get us past the posturing and on to the business of actually balancing the budget.

私下里,西方外交官认为中国是在故作姿态,但在公开场合,他们则小心翼翼地采取了安抚性语调。This has been privately dismissed by Western diplomats as posturing, but in public officials have been careful to adopt a conciliatory tone.

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我们故作姿态,我们自以为很重要,我们自欺欺人地认定人类在宇宙中的特权地位,这一切都被这个白光中的小点推翻了。Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light.

他对声称违约是“故作姿态”的警告不以为然,并且说民主党人应该为通过任何增加借贷限额的举措承担责任。He dismissed warnings about default as “just posturing,” and said Democrats should bear the responsibility for passing any measure to increase the borrowing limit.

是的,它们是高傲的,它们也并没有掩饰傲气,也没有故作姿态,只是凭着自己的铮铮铁骨昂首挺立,骄傲地、坦然地承受人们的目光。Yes, they are arrogant, and they did not cover up the arrogance, no posturing, but with their heads held high clank stand, proud and frankly people's eyes to bear.