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贝拉尔认为,一个更为有趣的研究课题是泌乳刺激素。Beral thinks a more interesting candidate for study is prolactin.

生育专家将卵泡刺激素的数值作为重要指标来衡量女性体内卵子数量,数值高则卵子数量少。Fertility experts regard a high FSH level as a key indicator of having a low egg count.

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研究了不同生长刺激素及其组合对金边瑞香扦插生根的影响。Different growth hormone and the proportioning were studied about the influence of Daphne odora var.

果纳芬注射笔是最广泛使用的滤泡刺激素的注射器,也获得病人最高的爱好度68.1。Gonal-f FbM prefilled pen was the most popular FSH injection device , with the highest patient preference rate 68.1

自然状态下,睡觉的时候泌乳刺激素水平更高,给动物注射这种化学物质它就会立马疲倦。Prolactin levels are naturally higher during sleep, and animals injected with the chemical become tired immediately.

故早期更年期患者可有卵泡刺激素的增高,而雌二醇还在正常范围。Therefore, patients with early menopause may have increased follicle stimulating hormone, and estradiol remained normal.

结果还揭示了在啮齿目泌乳刺激素基因家族进化过程中持续不断的发生了基因重复和基因分化事件。Our analysis also reveals that continual gene duplication and divergence occurred during the evolution of rodent PRL gene family.

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褪黑素对吗啡戒断小鼠血液中卵泡刺激素、黄体生成素和睾酮的影响。Effect of melatonin on the blood follicle stimulating hormone iu teinizing hormone and testosterone of the morphine withdrawal mice.

褪黑素对吗啡戒断小鼠血液中卵泡刺激素、黄体生成素和睾酮的影响。Effect of melatonin on the blood follicle stimulating hormone, Iuteinizing hormone and testosterone of the morphine withdrawal mice.

在大鼠基因组数据库中搜索得到两个泌乳刺激素基因家族的新成员。In this study, we identified two novel members of prolactin gene family in rat by blast searches against the published genomic database.

但卵巢内的卵泡会逐渐耗竭,卵泡刺激素再多也无济于事,雌二醇水平还是会不断下降。But the ovarian follicles will gradually depleted, follicle stimulating hormone does not help more, or will continue to decline in estradiol levels.

目的观察骨折愈合刺激素对体外培养成骨细胞的作用。Objective To observe the effects of the fracture healing stimulin, a fracture healing increasing drug from staphylococcus aurous on osteoblasts in vitro.

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脂肪组织产生雌激素过多,反馈抑制垂体腺使卵泡刺激素分泌不足排卵受阻和病情加重。Fatty tissues produce excess estrogen, which in turn contributes to insufficient FSH secretion by the pituitary gland. Insufficient FSH prevents ovulation and may worsen PCOS.

对于配偶未怀孕的患者,其卵泡刺激素的血清浓度显著偏高,而精子总计数和正常精子形态则显著偏低。Patients whose partners did not become pregnant had significantly higher serum concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone. Total sperm count and normal sperm forms were significantly lower.