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九月下旬到十月中旬。Between late-September and mid-October.

五月下旬出现适于调制干草的好天气。Good haymaking weather comes in late May.

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金丝小枣每年十月下旬成熟。Watkins jujube mature in late October each year.

这个为期十六天的节庆是于九月下旬开始举行。This 16-day festival takes place in late September.

一个特别的中国旅游团将于本月下旬赴美国商议以赎回价购买美国的房产。Chinese house hunters tour U.S. in search of sweet deal

周杰伦的新专集预定在本月下旬发行。Jay Chou' new album is due for release later this month.

这个月下旬白色款iPhone4就要销售完了。The white iPhone 4 will be out sometime later the month.

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在这个月下旬,芭比女孩将按这个模式重新包装。Later this month, BarbieGirls will be retooled in this way.

民俗节在每年六月下旬和七月上旬举办。The festival is held each year in late June and early July.

黄瓜于在马拉加,西班牙,市场销售在5月下旬。Cucumbers for sale at a market in Malaga, Spain, in late May.

但假如金正恩真的访华,2月中下旬是个合适的时间。But if Jin Zhengen really visit, 2 months late is a good time.

二月下旬,花序原体在枝顶出现。Inflorescence primordia occur at shoot apices in late February.

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八月下旬,台风思蒂为本港带来更多的豪雨。In late August, Typhoon Zita brought more heavy rain to Hong Kong.

9月下旬,乌珠穆沁草原已经褪去了绿色。In late September, the green cover is fading on Uzemchin grassland.

月下旬,东北野战军奉命入关。In late November, Northeast Field Army was ordered into the customs.

直到八月下旬或是九月他才会采摘这些个儿大的西瓜。He won’t harvest the biggest ones until later in August and September.

萨贝里星期一离开了1月下旬以来一直被关押的德黑兰埃文监狱。Saberi left Evin prison Monday, where she had been held since January.

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我们选择的是5月中下旬,旅客少,空房多,价格不高。We choose is may late, passenger less, the vacancy, price is not high.

斯伯茨从去年12月下旬开始她的单人划船横渡大西洋冒险,现在正在海上,所要做的就是划艇。Now all she has to do is row--Spotz starts her journey in late December.

于1950年12月下旬,联合国部队被击溃,并被赶出北朝鲜。By late December 1950, routed UN troops had been driven from North Korea.