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他目前开了一家卤味店,要做药膳。He is now opened a braised food store, to do medicinal food.

与谷歌发现,网页排名没有强大到足以卤味这里它说,让有词组等级。And Google found that page rank was not strong enough and lo here it said, Let there be Phrase Rank.

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走进店内,不大的空间里挤满了顾客,每人都在爱不释手地啃着手中的卤味。Into store, not large space was packed with customers, each person in the ground chew to fondle admiringly pot-stewed fowl.

台湾卤味牛肉,醋溜土豆丝,五彩肉丁,海鲜鸡蛋汤,小馒头。Taiwanese braised food beef, the vinegar slips away potato silk, multicolored diced meat, seafood egg soup, small plain wheat roll.

米粉洁白、细嫩,其中卤味米粉风味独特,最为有名。Rice noodles have white color and tender taste. Among them, the rice noodles with braised food are the most famous for its special taste.

本品用于炒菜、火锅、红烧、卤味、小菜、泡菜、炖鸡鸭鱼羊牛肉等菜肴和蘸水食用。This product used for cooking, chafing dish, braised, pot-stewed fowl, dishes, pickles, stewed chicken &duck fish dishes and sheep beef dips in water consumption.

花椒用于炒菜、火锅、红烧、卤味、小菜、泡菜、炖鸡鸭鱼羊牛等菜肴和蘸水食用。Chinese prickly ash used for cooking, chafing dish, braised, pot-stewed fowl, dishes, pickles, stewed chicken &duck fish sheep cows dishes and dips in water consumption.

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据店内伙计介绍,在该店众多卤味中,鸭舌头是最受欢迎的,尤其受到演艺明星的格外钟爱。According to in-store dude introduces, at the store, duck in numerous pot-stewed fowl tongue is the most popular, especially among entertainers guardianship of endearment.

此外,烹饪方面,生食,熟食,卤味在冰箱中要保持分开存放,要将食物彻底煮熟,冷藏或冷冻食品时要迅速。Also wash surfaces when cooking, keep raw food separate from cooked food, marinate food in the refrigerator, cook food thoroughly, and refrigerate or freeze food promptly.

三王街,为了“向群”的几两锅饺,排一个小时队不明智,不如买了筹码先去红梅吃碗冰豆沙和卤味四合一。In Sanwang Street, don't bother waiting one hour for Xiangqun potstickers. Take a number first and then go to Hongmei to have a bowl of iced sweetened bean paste and stewed Meat.

由于作料和烹调方法不同,桂林米粉大致分为卤味米粉、生菜米粉和牛腩米粉。Because of the differences in seasonings and cooking methods, it can be classified as rice noodles with braised food, rice noodles with lettuce and rice noodles with beef brisket.