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二是经济增长方式粗放。Second, the pattern of economic growth is inefficient.

她有一种粗放勇敢的气质。There was a foundation of wildness and bravery in her.

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采矿技术非常粗放,工作非常辛苦。The technology is very rudimentary, and the work is hard.

加拿大森林资源丰富,经营粗放。Canada is rich in forest resources which are being managed extensively.

应该变粗放耕作为集约经营。The extensive cultivation should be transformed into intensive farming.

这与饲喂方式粗放,粗饲料品质差有关。The reason are related to the extensive feeding and badroughage quality.

中国从粗放生产的迁移会自然发生。China's shift away from raw materials and manufactured goods is only natural.

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导致失误的主要原因,是这些公司的投资管理粗放。The main reason of misplay is that these companies' rough investing management.

这对于大部分男性来说是件好事,因为,面对现实吧,我们长得比较粗放。This is fortunate for most men because, let’s face it, we’re kind of rough looking.

生产经营管理粗放,同类产品在低水平上重复建设。Extensive production and management, similar products at a low level repeated construction.

但因草地管理粗放,草地利用不轻则重,经济效益不高。However, owing to the unsuitable pasture management, the economy benefit was not satisfactory.

美国经济在那时也主要基于重工业和粗放生产能力。The United States economy, at one time, was based on heavy industries and raw production capacity.

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建立了离散采样条件下经济系统集约度与粗放度的评价模型。Evaluation model and application of intensive degree and extensive degree in economic system is developed.

而目前我国文化产业偏弱偏小,程度粗放而原始。But at present, the culture industry of our country is not only weak and small, but also crude and primitive.

国有企业和乡镇企业是推动我国食品加工业粗放增长的产业主体。State-owned enterprises and rural enterprises become main conductors of resulting in extensive growth model of FPI.

杜罗人进入了粗放的扩张时代,或落户轨道太空城,或移民辽阔的殖民星球。The Duros people embarked on a bold era of expansion, choosing to live in orbital cities or far-flung colony worlds.

博客的出现,使个人在互联网世界由粗放的数字化生存过渡到个性化的目录式生存。The appearance of blog makes people change from extensive digital survival to personalized catalogue-style survival.

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我一句话也没说就醉了,我觉得他们那粗放的大笑在震撼着我的每一个细胞。I didn't even have time to speak a word before I was drunk, and I felt their coarse laughter shaking every cell in my body.

他们还可以在类似Twitter这样的服务上“微博”,重温早期博客那种粗放、即时、私密的感觉。They may also “micro-blog” on services such as Twitter, which recreate the raw, immediate and intimate feel of early blogs.

导致失误的主要原因,是这些公司的投资管理粗放。These companies were then plunged into corner. The main reason of misplay is that these companies'rough investing management.