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他搀扶着祖母进屋。He helped his grandmother in.

他搀扶着那位老太太上了楼。He oxtered the old woman upstairs.

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在马克的搀扶下,赤来站了起来。Chilai Stood up with the help of Mark.

老人由其儿子搀扶着站了起来。The old man stood up supported by his son.

这位老人由他儿子搀扶着站了起来。The old man stood up, supported by his son.

当我和罗杰搀扶他时,他似乎很开心。He seemed to like it when Roger and I helped him.

奇切斯特上岸后,得由人搀扶才能行走。On shore, Chichester could not walk without help.

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奇切斯特上岸后,得由人搀扶着才能行走。On shore, Chichester could not walk without help.

那个病人在护士的搀扶下下了床。The patient got off the bed, supported by the nurse.

“我们能行,”我说,“我会搀扶着你。”I know we can do it," I said. " I can hold on to you."

护士们搀扶着伤病员走进医院。The nurses helped the wounded soldiers into the hospital.

李就是那个迈克搀扶着进医务室的男生,对吧?Lee is the kid Mike carries into the Nurses office, right?

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为了搀扶那位老奶奶下车,她先站了起来。She stood up first so as to help the old lady off the bus.

当娜含�朱古力,竟然慢慢有了气力,在萧雅的搀扶下坐了起来。Soon Donna recovered, and sat up with the help of Xiao Ya.

他拄着拐棍,由一个朋友搀扶着,慢慢的过马路。On crutches and supported by a friend, slowly across the road.

一只哭着的蝉被搀扶着走到了证人席,紧挨着法官大人。A crying cicada was helped into the witness box next to the judge.

在有人搀扶的情况下她还是能够下楼的,但是很虚弱。She can still come downstairs with assistance but she's very weak.

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吉恩搀扶妻子博比下楼梯去休息室。Gene Bonti helps his wife Bobbie down steps into the couple's family room.

于是,我扶着她,慢慢地下楼,搀扶着她把她送回家。So, I hold her, slowly underground floor, helped her to take her to go home.

莫莉将林午阳搀扶进自己的家中,连忙为林午阳查看伤势。Molly Lin Wu Yang hand into his own home, hurriedly to Lin Wu Yang see injury.