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票选新七大奇景─玉山再接再励!This site is electing the new 7 wonders of nature.

上个赛季的票选库普切克输给了波士顿的安吉获得第二。Kupchak finished second last season to Boston's Danny Ainge.

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任何被票选为比intexticated更糟的词都应该被颁奖。Any word voted more horrible than ‘intexticated’ deserves an award.’

所有的奖项均由杂志的读者通过网络票选统计得出。All the winners are determined by votes through website casted by readers.

2003年,在VH1的大奖晚会上被票选为最佳突破艺人。Was voted the Biggest Breakthough of 2003 at VH1's Big in 2003 award show.

欧洲国家占有三分之一的票选是荒谬的。It is ridiculous that European countries possess about a third of the votes.

我认为,国际奥委会的这种票选方式是一个不错的范例,这对国际足联来说是个不错的选择。I think it’s not a bad idea the example the IOC gives, it’s a good idea for FIFA.

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所以,如果所有国家都能合起来票选一种语言,那就太好了!So it would be better if all the countries got together to vote for one language.

戴立忍拍摄的影片获得了观众票选最佳影片让他是相当开心。Leon Dai shooting film won the "Voted best film by the audience" Let him very happy.

除了在瑞士的一些州外,高高在上的法官们很少是被多数票选出来的。Barring a few Swiss cantons , the elevation of judges by popular vote is indeed rare.

但是选举官员说票选表还没有完成且仍处于初级阶段。However, election officials say tabulations have not been completed and are preliminary.

为消除对结果的影响,初次评论者的票选将不会计入票数统计当中。To prevent tampering with the results, votes from first-time commenters may not be counted.

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1962年,罗宾森被引荐进棒球名人堂,并于同年首次获得票选资格。Robinson was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1962, his first year of eligibility.

一旦考虑到自己的票选支持率,他们就会开始对自己的承诺蒙混过关,这不足为奇。Don't be surprised if they start sliding on their commitments once they look at their poll ratings.

在本世纪初,丘吉尔、阿登纳和戴高乐分别被票选为最伟大的英国人、德国人和法国人。In the early 2000s Churchill, Adenauer and De Gaulle were voted greatest Briton, German and Frenchman.

英国哥伦布市是世界上最适宜居住城市票选排行榜上的常客。The British Columbian city is consistently voted as one of the most desirable cities in the world to live.

球迷还票选他为该季全明星赛的先发球员,使得那一季著实令人印象深刻。The fans also voted Jordan as a starter in the seasons All-Star game, which makes for one impressive season.

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经日本推理作家协会全领会员公开票选为一九八九年度最佳推理小说第一名。The Japanese reasoning writers association of all member public voted the best whodunits edited by the first.

在“我最喜欢的第一夫人”投票中,获得最多网友票选的是蒋介石的夫人宋美龄。"My favorite first lady" vote, the largest number of netizens to vote yes Song Meiling, wife of Chiang Kai-shek.

调查还发现,如果能有更多的个人专属时间,三分之一的女性将“睡懒觉”票选为自己最想做的事情。The survey also saw a third of women vote for 'lying in' as their top activity should they be given more 'me' time.