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你说得很全面That's the whole point.

全面地测试上层本体论。Test upper ontologies thoroughly

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运动已经全面铺开。The movement is fully under way.


舒尔SE210阅读的全面检讨。Shure SE210 Read the full review.

十分全面周到。Extremely thorough and thoughtful.

头部转动的全面协调印花。Head-turning allover floral print.

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我们进行了全面的工资表审核。A full payroll audit was conducted.

全面提高法官素质。Improve judges quality all- snidely.

全面负责洗衣房和布草房的运作和管理。In charge of laundry and linen room.

包括全面装饰的家用轿车!Includes fully assembled family car!

这里是非常、非常全面的,it's, it's very, very well rounded,

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我们需要全面应对。We need an across-the-board response.

不公正比全面毁灭来得好。Injustice is preferable to total ruin.

大全愿你全面的圣诞希望都成真!Hope every Christmas dreares come true!

棒球季正全面进行中。The baseball season is into full swing.

全面检查行为规范。All-round supervision on code of conduct.

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主持赣榆县全面工作。Preside the overall work of Ganyu County.

1689年他全面掌权做了沙皇。He assumed full authority as tsar in 1689.

在市内,大小湖泊也全面封冻了。In the city the lakes freeze over as well.