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这种提法不妥。This formulation is not proper.

那么,婚前性行为到底有什么不妥之处呢?So, whats wrong with sex before marriage?

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你一点东西也没碰过,有何不妥?You haven't touched a thing . What's wrong?

在中国,当着送礼人打开礼物是不妥之举。There are many taboos in sending gifts in China.

你穿那条旧裤子参加宴会是不妥的。Il'. ' faut for you to wear those old trousers for '.

连信也没有回我一封,我认为这样有些不妥!I think it was a bit off, not even answering my letter!

小站尚在完善中多有不妥请见谅!The station is in perfect much wrong please forgive me!

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不少人喜欢把巧克力放在冰箱冷藏,其实这是不妥的,巧克力应储存在5℃-18℃的干燥阴凉处。Chocolate should be stored in a cool, dry place at 5℃-18℃.

因此,我认为“临终”这个词非常不妥。Fot this reason, I find the word "terminal" very upsetting.

实际上叫它们讨论课有些不妥。In fact, it's really wrong to call them section discussions.

我觉得把这些细节拿出来说有点不妥。I felt those details were a little inappropriate to discuss.

你穿那条旧裤子参加宴会是不妥的。Il'. ' faut for you to wear those old trousers for the party.

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我是按格式发的啊,能详细指出哪里不妥吗?Don't hidden the format details. No one can see unitil buy it.

但他们的请求被驳回,因为胃口太大且不妥。But their pleas were dismissed as overwrought and inappropriate.

没有调查研究就作出决定是不妥的。It's not right to make a decision without investigation and study.

仅仅因为我来过强,并不意味着有什么不妥。Just because I come off strong doesn't mean there's nothing wrong.

但当他发现自己是个佛教徒之后,他开始觉得不妥了。Then it started bugging him because he found out he was a Buddhist.

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因此,娶这样一个女人,并没有什么不妥之处。In his marrying such a woman therefore there would be nothing unsuitable.

我试着译看看,不妥之处,请莫儿姐姐指教从前,有四只在领域中住在一面墙壁的老鼠。Once upon a time, there were four mice that lived in a wall in the field.

可是泰瑞注意到了地板上有一滩血迹,她直觉知道事情不妥。Yet Teri notices a pool of blood on the floor and her intuition kicks in.