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等它找上时,我们早就远走高飞了。When it does, we'll be long gone.

现在我要带你远走高飞。About what are you still hesitating?

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带着清白远走高飞,带着我的罪恶离我远去。Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins.

七月,她远走高飞,对我不辞而别。July, she will fly, and give no warning to her flight.

只要可以,你的朋友们都远走高飞了。All your friends have moved away, anybody who can do it.

如果有一天你想远走高飞,别害怕,给我打个电话。If one day you want to run way. Don't be afraid to call me.

要是没有家眷拖累,他早就远走高飞了。Had it not been for his family, He'd have gone away long ago.

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但这并不能阻碍现今的年轻恋人们一同远走高飞。But that hasn’t stopped young lovers from running away together.

只想找个流浪的方向,这样我就可以远走高飞了。Think only of to seek a direction of divagation, thus I can go far away.

这是个快乐结局,过来伸出你的手,我将带你远走高飞。This is a happy end, come and give me your hand, I'll take your far away.

她8岁的时候母亲去世了,接着父亲远走高飞了。Her mother died when Betty was eight, and that’s when her father took off.

起初,她嘲笑他,但是最后,真爱至上,他们双双远走高飞。She initially laughs at him but, in the end, love triumphs and they go off together.

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有天,我会远走高飞。就像蝴蝶一样,一直飞到天上去。我要去触碰太阳。One day, I'll fly away, like a butterfly, high up into the sky. And I'll touch the sun.

你以为它已经远走高飞了,它却也许不过是变成一种更为巧妙的形体而已。When you think it fled, it may have but become transfigured into some still subtler form.

红头发的小丑都坐上小车,远走高飞,再也不回来了。Redheaded clowns will have all gotten into their tiny cars and driven away, never to return.

一位心性高远的女孩要远走高飞了,四个男孩去送她。A girl had a far-reaching aspiration, and she will go farther now, four boys went to see her off.

我会带你远走高飞,没人能找到我们。我们在那里就可以过上我们自己想要的那种幸福生活。I will take you away, far away, where no one could ever find us. And we will live a happy life as we wish.

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例如,恐惧的感觉会创造出“打斗”或者“远走高飞”。又例如“内疚”会创造“抽离”和“侵略”。For instance, the feeling of fear can create fight or flight, just as guilt can create withdrawal or aggression.

要用保证金或法律协议保护自己在经济上免遭“可能远走高飞的室友”坑害。Financially protect yourself from a roommate who might run off to Puerto Rico with a security deposit or legal agreement.

白鹭是善良的,它会每天远走高飞把捕捉的鱼虾全部吐进小鸟的嘴巴。Egrets are kind parents. Everyday they fly to distant places to catch fish and come back to feed all the food to their baby birds.