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这项评估对于估算你的金融资本是至关重要。This assessment is crucial to calculating your financial capital.

关键是要确保你的人力资本和金融资本相互之间没有关联。The key is to make sure your human and financial capital are not correlated.

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信息将取代货币成为宏观经济调节的核心变量,信息资本将取得对金融资本的支配地位。Information will take the place of money and turn into the key variable in the macroeconomic.

但是即使是研究中国问题的专家也会对中国金融资本的发展感到惊讶。But even China-watchers may have been taken aback by a development in China's financial capital.

确定了这个,就能助你避免同时丧失人力资本及金融资本的双重打击。Determining that could help you avoid the double whammy of losing both human and financial capital.

所有这些古代文明可能在侵华的日本、欧洲和美国金融资本家的压迫下丧失殆尽。All this is likely to pass away, under the pressure of the Japanese, and of European and American financiers.

如果我们做不到这一点,增长和社会进步仍将是被金融资本束缚的奴仆。If we fail to do this, growth and social progress will continue to be the bonded servants of finance capital.

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最终我们需要分散的控制国家的资源、人力和金融资本。Ultimately we need more dispersed ownership and control of the nation's natural, human and financial capital.

从时间上说,张颂仁是将国外的艺术金融资本带到中国大陆的第一人。Looking from a timeline, Chang was the first person to bring in foreign financial capital in art to the mainland China.

CBD起源于资本主义发达国家的大城市,是发达资本主义国家金融资本发展的必然趋势。Originated from the metropolitans of advanced capitalist countries, CBD is an inevitable developing trend of financial capital.

此外,本文还研究了跨国公司来自于东道国和居住国的金融资本所得税收。Third, this dissertation studies financial capital income taxation of multinational corporations in host countries and resident countries.

于是,产业资本与金融资本相结合,必将是中国市场经济发展的必然趋势。Hence the combination of production capital and finance capital will become the new trend of the development of the marketing economy in China.

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我们这些支持金融资本的人现被指控---我们曾辉煌的体系仅仅是让一些骗子赚了大钱。Those of us who have supported financial capitalism are open to the charge that the system we championed has merely enabled a few spivs to get rich.

家族企业的成长就是与互有关联的四个层面的社会金融资本、社会人力资本、社会网络资本和社会文化资本的融合过程。The growth of family firms is the merge of the four inter-related capitals, named social financial, social human, social network and social cultural capital.

温州家族企业的成长过程也就是其与互有关联的四个层面的社会金融资本、社会人力资本、社会网络资本和社会文化资本的融合过程。The growth of family firms in Wenzhou is the merge of the four inter-related capitals, named social financial, social human, social network an social cultural capital.

在商机和挑战并存的年代,中国地交会将为房地产金融投资者与经营者提供“零距离”接触机会,实现金融资本的投资价值最大化。At the time when opportunity coexists with challenge, CLR2006 will provide a zero distance contact between real estate investors and managers to maximize the investment value.

祁门红茶与上海交通银行贷款关系的成立,标志着农业产品的生产与销售活动受到金融资本的支配与控制。Qimen's black tea loaning from Shanghai Transportation Bank indicates that the activities of production and sales of farm product became being controlled under financial capital.

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而金融资本发展到一定阶段时,也必须要寻找产业资本的支持,以此作为金融产业发展的物质基础。On the other hand, when finance capital develops to a certain stage, it also seeks the support from production capital as the foundation for the development of finance production.

为此,经典投资从诞生之日起就视“推进中国新兴产业与金融资本相结合”为己任,力助中国创业投资迈向新的高度。Since the establishment, we have been committed to advancing Chinese new industry and financial capital combination and take the China's venture capital investment to a new level.

原来以金融资本为主导的中国资本市场的估值体系将发生重大的变革,产业资本在未来将会有更大的话语权。China's capital market valuation system, which was originally led by financial capital, will have huge changes. The industrial capital will play a greater role in the coming years.