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我们显示结果为奇数,然后我们继续。Again, wow.

它通常是奇数页。It is always a recto.

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五和九是奇数。Five is an odd number.

七是奇数。Seven is an odd number.

五和九是奇数。Fivenine are odd numbers.

它永远是个奇数。It's eternally an odd number.

因为这样即使b是奇数,b-1也是偶数?You know, that's nice, right?

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是一个奇数。The number 3 is an odd number.

那它是偶数还是奇数。Is it an even number or an odd number?

如果b是奇数。But I'm not always going to have b as even.

但我怀疑这个新名词的逻辑是奇数。But i doubt the logic of this new term is odd.

第一组方的所有奇数。Group one squares consists of all odd numbers.

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在上一步是奇数的基础上。Because it's now solving a one-smaller problem.

在中国,下行列车编号用奇数。In China, the down trains are given odd numbers.

今天,周一,那么就该轮到车牌尾号是奇数的车辆上路了。Today, Monday, it is the turn of the odd numbers.

这种模式只适用于行数为奇数的星条旗。This only works for flags with an odd number of rows.

对于非无线服务提供商要使用奇数。Odd numbers are used for non- wireline service providers.

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当然,对于奇数编号的硬盘,采用相反的规则。The logic is, of course, reversed for odd-numbered hdisks.

最后一个字节点亮并锁存所有奇数LED。The last byte illuminates and latches all odd-numbered LEDs.

如果有奇数个挖矿者,那么中心为空。If there are an odd number of miners, then the core is empty.