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关键——毫无例外——就是要适度。The key--no surprise-- is moderation.

毫无例外地,她的美丽,也让沈从文一见倾心。Without being an exception, Shen was also totally attracted by her beauty.

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所有大国都会认为自己独一无二,这是惯例,毫无例外。Among great powers, thinking you're special is the norm, not the exception.

毫无例外,这些单品,甚至项链本身,都能随意拆换组合。Once again, the pieces — and even the necklace itself — can be moved around.

那时,张兆和是学校里出了名的美人,追随者甚众。毫无例外地,她的美丽,也让沈从文一见倾心。At that time, Zhang was a well-known beauty in school with a wealth of pursuers.

“我可以说,所有伟大的创作者,毫无例外地,都有休息时间,”布赞说。"I can say that all great creators, without exception, have taken breaks, " says Buzan.

几乎毫无例外,女人们从头到脚穿着毛皮,大多数是本地出产的。Almost without exception, the women wear fur from head to toe, much of it locally produced.

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如果他被说服某个原则的价值,就会毫无例外的遵照执行。If he was convinced to the value of a particular maxim he would adhere to it without exception.

每天,毫无例外的,他会在7点钟——开店前的一个小时,坐公交车到达工作的地方。Every day, without fail, he arrives in theneighborhood by bus at 7 a.m., an hour before the store opens.

和经常搭便车材男性聊聊,毫无例外,它们等车材时间平均比女孩长。Talking to regular male hitchhikers they without exception have longer average waiting times than a girl.

和经常搭便车的男性聊聊,毫无例外,他们等车的时间平均比女孩长。Talking to regular male hitchhikers, they without exception have longer average waiting times than a girl.

在这些研究中,都毫无例外地涉及到脑的功能及遍布全身的神经网。In these studies, without exception, are related to brain function throughout the body and neural networks.

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法国是一个路人皆知的官僚国家,几乎每一项决策必须毫无例外地附有书面文字。France is a notoriously bureaucratic country, where almost every decision has to be accompanied by paperwork.

当他在240英亩土地上散步时,他都叫着工人们的名字和他们打招呼,当工人们看见他的时候,都面带微笑,毫无例外。He stomps around his 240 acres greeting the workmen by name, and without exception they smile when they see him.

世界上的政党,从形成之日起,毫无例外地都有自己的价值观。Political parties all over the world unlimitedly have had their own viewpoints on value since the birth of them.

在我开始培训一个公司的时候,毫无例外地,我在工作日里看到了太多直线性和有创造力的过程。When I begin to train a company, without exception I see too much linearity in the workday and creative process.

云计算成了天罗地网,成了普世准则,毫无例外。It's either that or cloud computing is forming a blanket over us, becoming the universal norm, not the exception.

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然而在全世界各地,锅碗瓢盆的出现,毫无例外地促成了新烹饪与人类更加丰富多样的菜谱。But almost everywhere in the world, the invention of the pot was connected with new cuisines and a more varied menu.

这周我们健康生活的小贴士也毫无例外的如此有效,而且我知道一旦你试过,你会彻底爱上它。This weeks healthy living tool is no exception and I just know once you try it you will absolutely fall in love with it.

他们会有很多的思考,计划,假设,论述,当然还有等待,可是毫无例外地,难以付诸实践。Plenty of thinking, talking, planning, postulating, philosophizing and of course waiting, but as a rule, very little action.