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犬牙和门牙挤压在一起。The canine is impacting on the incisor.

它会露出犬牙咆哮,还流很多口水。He'd bare his teeth and growl, he also slobbered a lot.

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食草动物的犬牙很小或者没有。Herbivorous animals have very small canine teeth, or none.

因此,墙画虎的“上犬牙”是一个人工的错误。Thus, the "upper canine" in poster tiger is an artificial mistake.

溪岸的形势象犬牙般交错参差,无法看到水的源头。Streamside situation like fangs as crisscross varies, cannot see the water source.

四根犬牙从嘴的上下伸出,使它们看上去很可怕。Four canine teeth protrude above and below the jaw, giving them a fearsome appearance.

Jake用长矛的尖端猛的戳向来袭之敌,它疼的咧着犬牙一边大叫一边撤退。He jabs it with the business end of the spear and it yelps, retreating, baring its fangs.

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他用脑袋朝小拉尔夫刺去,像头野兽般咆哮着,露出尖尖的犬牙。Sticking his head forward at Ralph, Jr. , he ROARS like a wild beast and bares his fangs.

它除了一双象牙般大小的剑齿犬牙,整个口腔的上颚都长满了牙齿。In addition to the crayon-size sabre canines, the entire roof of its mouth was covered with teeth.

在黑暗中,他们没有发现任何缺口,只见一长溜结结实实的石墙,十二英尺高,顶部象犬牙参差不齐,更显得狰狞。In the darkness they found none, only a stout murderous stone wall, twelve feet high and with a jagged top.

有些狗儿冲着我们叫吠,其它的则用嘴和舌头舔舐着玻璃窗,少数几只还露出了犬牙,嚎叫不止。Others smeared the glass windows with their mouths and tongues. A few of then showed their teeth and snarled.

小狗滚翻在地,把胡萝卜紧紧咬在小小的犬牙之间,一边不停甩头,摇着胡萝卜。With the carrot locked between his tiny teeth, the puppy rolled onto his back and shook his head from side to side.

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案例伴侣建兴推出燃料…这是一个管理单元一起案件的两个在一个不错的犬牙式的布料覆盖件硬塑料制成。This is the case with the wave of the "two" fabrics in "houndstooth" style beautiful paintings are made of hard plastic.

本文首次系统总结了钾交代型铀矿床的标型矿物——犬牙状微斜长石的五项标型特征。Described for the first time in this paper the hackly microcline, aa typomorphic mineral in potash metasomatic uranium deposits.

这动物样貌非常奇特,嘴巴很长,长着犬牙,它的出现更加突显出我们所知太少,像这样惊奇的事是一定会发生的。This animal looks very peculiar, with long snout and canines, and it highlights that we know so little. Surprises like this are bound to happen.

小孩面对一只生气的狗,即使之前没经过任何学习,她也本能地知道露出的犬牙意味着危险,这种认知编码深藏在人脑中。When a small child encounters an angry dog , she instinctively knows that bared fangs signal great danger even without any previous learning. The encoding for such recognition goes deep.

墙画虎应该是创建自周照虎,修饰了头部,增加了一对大而清晰耳朵和一对犬牙,在脸周围增加了一些清晰的胡须和虎毛。The poster tiger should be created from Zhou's photos by polished the head part by adding a pair of large and clear ears, a pair of canines and some clear beard and hairs around the face.