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而新郎则有伴郎。The groom has groomsmen.

为什么?你是我的伴郎啊。Why? You are my groomsman.

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真高兴有你当我的伴郎。I'm so glad you're my best man.

结婚的时候,他是伴郎。He is the groomsman of my wedding.

你愿意做我的伴郎吗?Would you like to be my groomsman?

那我就要加入伴郎的行列了。I'll have to be one of the groomsmen.

她和某伴郎有一腿吗?。She shacked up with some groomsman or something?

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在这个婚宴上一般是伴郎他来说祝酒词。At weddings the best man will always make a toast.

而伴郎们看起来好像也都不知道戒指在哪里。It seems none of the groomsmen know where the rings are.

我的朋友Alan邀请我在他的婚礼上担任伴郎。My friend Alan invited me as his groomsman at the wedding.

我的朋友Alan邀请我在他的婚礼上担任伴郎。My friend Alan invited me as the groomsman in his wedding.

我的朋友Alan邀请我在他的婚礼上担任伴郎。My friend Alan invited me to act groomsman on his wedding.

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如果他是伴郎,安吉拉为什么要和新郎结婚呢?If he is the best man then why is Angela marrying the groom?

我的朋友Alan邀请我在他的婚礼上担任伴郎。My friend Alan invited me to be the groomsman in his wedding.

我的朋友阿兰邀请我在他的婚礼上担任伴郎。My friend Alan has asked me to be the best man at his wedding.

我的朋友Alan邀请我在他的婚礼上担任伴郎。My friend Alan invited me to play the groomsman role on his wedding.

传统上伴郎和伴娘的数量相等。Traditionally, there is the same number of bridesmaids and groomsmen.

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我觉得如果由我们家的狗恰皮来担任伴郎的话肯定很有意思。I thought it would be fun if the third groomsman was my family dog, Chappy.

罗恩·巴特勒是我们婚礼上的伴郎,也是我们最老的朋友之一。Ron Butler had been the best man at our wedding, one of our oldest friends.

于是他她和伴郎麦克.杰克逊以及婚礼中的其他人都坐在楼梯上。She, best man Michael Jackson and others in the wedding party sat on stage.