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时而与人相伴跑步,时而独自跑步,不要长期一个人跑或是搭伴一起跑。Run with a group, or run alone.

时而一群少女嬉戏。Sometimes a troop of damsels glad.

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他们时而甚至会痛骂同性恋They lashed out at gays sometimes.

她时而抱有希望,时而心存恐惧。She vacillated between hope and fear.

她时而惊起,时而抖又哭。She starts, she trembles and she weeps.

主句是一般现在时而从句却是一般过去时。Do you know the man who was here just now?

我看见鸦群,因时而生,有着邪灵般的眼神。I see the ravens fly, born of time, demon eye.

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而小草又怎能知时而青翠?And how does grass know its time to turn green?

她时而打盹,似睡非睡。She now and then drowsed away into a half sleep.

新的数据库开发技术应时而入。New technology for developing database is coming.

时而会有喀拉作响的大型有轨街车轻快地开过。Sometimes a large tram would rattle swiftly past.

时而,一块石头被溅起从路面上飞射出去。Sometimes a stone was sent shooting off the road.

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我沉默不语,她时而叹息,此刻繁星也变得愁闷。I am quiet, she is humming, When the Stars Go Blue.

爱瑞儿也够调皮的,时而落到我们的头顶上。Ariel is naughty sometimes, landing down on our top.

他时而支持我,时而反对我。He alternated between supporting me and opposing me.

天气时而放晴,时而有小雨。The sunshine interchanges with periods of light rain.

天上时而飘过几片薄薄的白云。Every now and then fleecy clouds floated across the sky.

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它时而加速时而减缓,并且当它转动时总是在摇摆。It speeds up and it slows down and it wobbles as it rotates.

她这样一会儿一种情讯,叫伊坦时而灰心,时而高兴。These alterations of mood were despair and joy of Ethan Frome.

印第安人躺在上面,打发掉了正午几个小时的酷热。时而小憩时而闲聊。In it the Indians pass away hot noon hours, napping or chatting.