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我自信地说道。I said confidently.

品牌是自信。Brand is self-trust.

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自信地说出来。Say it with assuredness.

保持清洁和自信。Keep clean and confident.

秀出你的自信!Show your self-confidence!

但是我很没自信。But my self-esteem was shot.

自信是可以转换的。Confidence is transferrable.

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而是自信、狠下的决心和母亲。Fiercely determined. Mother.

可能是我没有自信了。I have no confidence ,maybe.

为什么人们缺乏自信?Why do people self-destruct?

你必须保持自信。You have to have confidence.

谁想假装自信呢?Who wants to fake confidence?

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我的自信来自于父亲。My self-belief comes from him.

但是很奇怪,假装自信的确有用。But strangely, faking it works.

我是自信的丹将会做得好。I'm confident Dan will do well.

喜欢炫耀的人通常都没有自信。Show-offs are usually insecure.

但也不要表现的过于自信。Don't act too confident, though.

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自信的生活态度。A confident attitude towards life.

你是怎么对自信下定义的?How do you define self confidence?

这个座右铭可以使你自信。This motto can make you confident.