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有时爱情徒有虚名。Love is only a name.

他是个徒有虚名的学者。He is a scholar of a kind.

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我们学院徒有虚名!Our college belies it's name!

他只是个徒有虚名的游侠罢了。He is poor apology for a paladin.

体制监察室徒有虚名等。The system monitor chamber is only in name.

格林先生是徒有虚名的教授。Mr Green is a professor in name but not in reality.

他是一个没有实权的统治者,只是徒有虚名而已。He is a ruler without power, a mere fly on the wheel.

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没有第二相衬的第一徒有虚名,是第二的存在才让第一成为现实。The one without second is emptiness, the other one makes it ture.

这种新气象,并非因为解禁股流通徒有虚名。This new atmosphere is not lifted shares in circulation as illusory.

当然只有一些统治者是真正的霸主,许多其他的不过徒有虚名。However, only some rulers were real hegemons, many others were only empty names.

你刚才提到的那个男的是一个徒有虚名的作家,他写的东西冗长而乏味。The man you've just mentioned is but a poor apology for a writer. His writings are tedious.

好莱坞两位最剽悍的演员是这对徒有虚名罪犯的绝佳人选。The two toughest actors in Hollywood would fit perfectly together as the titular pair of criminals.

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然而,在大多数时间,勃艮第并不在他们控制之下,徒有虚名罢了。While the true power in Burgundy was not in their hands most of the time, the title was one of great renown.

她还是改造徒有虚名的体教系统运动中的一种骨干力量。She's also a driving force in the movement to move away from a sports education system that offers "education" in name only.

在十字军东征前,国王就已存在。但是,在复杂的封建体制中,他们多少手无实权,徒有虚名而已。Before the Crusades, kings had existed, but their role was more or less than of a figurehead, a chief in name only, in the complicated feudal system.

我们很清楚,我们所指出的中国社会存在的各种弊端,也同样可见于“徒有虚名的基督教国家”。That many of the evils in Chinese society the existence of which we have pointed out are also to be found in Western "nominally Christian lands, " we are perfectly aware.

当时,法国最有权势的宰相黎塞留,指挥自己的护卫队,企图利用徒有虚名的国王路易十三,发动同英国的战争。At that time, France had the most powerful prime minister Richelieu, command their own security teams, in an attempt to use the fictitious King Louis XIII . launched the war with Britain.