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马可和文洁我在这儿向你问候。We are your hosts Mark, along with Wen-Jie.

它和文本栏是相同的。This is equivalent to the field of text type.

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我们是你的广播朋友马可和文洁。We are your friends Mark, along with Wen-Jie.

不幸的,托尼和文森没有从事故中活下来。Unfortunately, Tony and Vince did not survive the accident.

干嘛不用logo和文头来抓住人们的注意力呢?Why not use the logo and header to grab people’s attention?

我在学校有两个好朋友,他们是刘伟和文力。I have two good friends at school, namely Liu Wei and Wen Li.

回到车上时,那女孩又和文戈坐到了一块儿。When they returned to the bus, the girl sat with Vingo again.

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这本书内容很丰富,有很多代码实例和文段介绍。It's a dense work, with almost as many code examples as paragraphs.

我认为长街和文津街的拐角那有个出口。I think there's an entrance on the corner of Chang Jie and Wenjin Jie.

大幅面图形,视频剪辑和文本的副本将提供给您。Large Format Graphics, video clips and textual copy will be provided to you.

第二天,官府,长老,和文士,在耶路撒冷聚会。And it came to pass on the morrow, that their rulers, and elders, and scribes

程超群和文若水谈论着和田在天谈判的事情。Cheng supergroup and if talking about hotan water in the day of negotiations.

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凌翔为那天在餐厅和文若水的事情给唐糖道歉。LingXiang for that day in the restaurant and if apologize to tang sugar water.

有商学院、理学院、工学院和文学院。They are colleges of Trade and Commerce, Science, Engineering, and Literature.

不包括文章的绪论和文末的余论,全文共分四章。Besides the introduction and conclusion, there are four chapters in this thesis.

不包括文章的序言和文末的结论,全文共分四章。Besides the introduction and conclusion, this thesis is comprised of four chapters.

那时有法利赛人和文士,从耶路撒冷来见耶稣说。Then some Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked.

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巧妙地运用排版,颜色,字体和文天分运用户长时间地坚持温馨而减轻痛苦。Smart use of layout, color, type and copy can go a long way towards easing the pain.

马克和文斯央求父亲带他们去看马戏,直到父亲拗不过他们。The Mark and Vince begged their father to take them to the circus until he caved in.

追求异国情调是英国浪漫主义文学中的一种普遍趋势和文风。There is a prevalent stylistic trend towards exoticism in British Romantic literature.