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别作冒失鬼,请戴安全帽。Don't be rash, wear the helmet.

他是个很危险的冒失鬼。He is a very dangerous loose cannon.

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冒失鬼夫妇决定远出旅游度假。Daredevil couple decided to vacation far out.

“如果你把我当作鲁莽的冒失鬼,那可要叫我难受了。”罗达说。If you think I'm a bold hussy , that's too bad, " said Rhoda".

冒失鬼将准备好的早餐递到了妻子面前。Daredevil will be ready before breakfast handed it to his wife.

真有你的,冒失鬼。这下我得带你去医院了。Way to go, clumsy. Now I guess I have to take you to the hospital.

他在十多岁时参军,就在那时得了个外号“冒失鬼”。As a teenager, he joined the Army, where he earned his nickname Hazard.

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忘却了我那个冒失鬼妹妹几乎从莫赫山的峭壁跌落。Forget my daredevil sister practically dangling off the Cliffs of Moher.

不幸的是,他是一个冒失鬼,很可怜的那种And the unfortunate thing is that he was sort of a sad sack,un pauvre type.

尽管如此,这将会让他不再像个冒失鬼一样到处横冲直撞了。Still, it'll stop him rampaging all over the place like a bull in a china shop.

取笑尚博尔伯爵很容易,在很多方面,他是一个可怜的家伙,是一个冒失鬼Now,it's easy to make fun of Chambord, who was a pauvre type, a sad sack,in many ways.

我们似乎可以看到某个弗里蒙特的冒失鬼曾通过这条小路到达另一端的两个粮仓。We could see the route some Fremont daredevil had used to reach a ledge with two granaries.

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过去经常对我很友好的人现在盯着我看,好像我是一个窘迫的冒失鬼,认为我在打探他们的隐私。People who used to be amicable so gaze on me as if I'm a abashed daredevil, thinking I'm bugging.

我也可以算作是个冒失鬼吧,因为尽管我从学会阅读就爱上了仙境故事,也经常有所思考,但并没有专业地研究过。And overbold I may be accounted, for though I have been a lover of fairy-stories since I learned to read, and have at times thought about them, I have not studied them professionally.